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[Monotone-devel] 'in-repo' macros, example attached (mt.26 only)

From: Marcel van der Boom
Subject: [Monotone-devel] 'in-repo' macros, example attached (mt.26 only)
Date: Mon, 27 Mar 2006 11:51:20 +0200

There has been some talks before on 'macros' or 'custom commands' inside a monotone repository. I glued together an example of implementing such a thing with mt.26. What is attached is a zip file which contains 2 lua scripts:

1. job - the actual macro
2. mt-wrapper - optional, a wrapper around mt, so the macro can be called with mt job ...etc...

The mt-wrapper is not that interesting, just catches the cmdline and spawns the macro instead of mt if appropriate.

The example macro provided implements a simplistic 'job/issue' tracking system, using mt as its storage and using metainfo from the roster for it's job properties.
I created the example to play with a couple of things:
1. storing 'programs' inside a repo, so they are available to anyone pulling that repo (in the example, stored in <mt root>/.mt-macros and as such managed like anything else inside that repo. 2. using monotone as a 'backend' to possibly useful things, in the case of an example something which remotely resembles a bug tracker. where both the metainfo and the content (not much in the example) are revision controlled and distributed.

The macro implements a commandline roughly as follows:
$ mt job help
       mt job <operation> [options]

       mt job [create]                  -- Create a new job.
         Determines the next available jobid and creates a NEW job
         New status: NEW

mt job note <jobid> -- Add a note to a job (new comment)

mt job accept <jobid> -- Accept responsibility for a job
         Register the responsibility for <jobid>.
         New status: ASSIGNED

       mt job offer <jobid>
         Release <jobid> for other people to accept.
         New status: NEW

mt job resolve <jobid> -- Register a resolution for a job Resolve <jobid>. If the job was not accepted yet, it will be accepted and resolved in sequence automatically. Input will be asked to register
         the resolution:
         (cfr. bugzilla resolutions)
         New status: RESOLVED

       mt job reopen <jobid>            -- Reopens a resolved job
         Reopens a previously resolved job for re-inspection.
         New status: ASSIGNED

       mt job close <jobid>             -- Close (drop) a job
Close a resolved <jobid>. The job will be dropped from the working
         New status: CLOSED

mt job list -- Show a list or registered jobs
         Shows a listing of registered jobs in the format:
           000000 [  STATUS] Short description

       mt job info <lastn>              -- Show details of 1 job
Shows a 'page' of info about 1 job. By default the last 5 changes to the job are shown. If <lastn> is specified, that many changes
           are specified (if any).

mt job get <jobid> [<attr>] -- direct access to job attributes
       mt job set <jobid> <attr> <value>
         Sets/gets the attribute <attr> of <jobid>. If <attr> is not
         specified on the 'get', all attributes are shown

       mt job help                      -- show usage info (this text)

- job resolve does not force fixed set of resolutions, which it should
       - job info is very incomplete e.g:
'owner' (author of new->assigned state) is not shown (use 'attr_mark' from roster?) 'submitter' (author of n/a -> new state) is not shown (use 'birth' from roster?) - this is all experimental anyway, so the code is not exactly clean

If you want to try it, you'll need lua 5. put the job macro somewhere and open the file, at the top there are some things you can configure, should be self explanatory. I've only tested it on osx.

It's not exaclty scaleable to thousands of jobs, but i think you'll find the usage of the roster and attributes interesting.
Perhaps someone finds this useful, if only for inspiration.

The 'jobs' are stored as files inside a directory in the repo (.mt- jobs in the example). Their names operate as the job-ids. A new job gets assigned a name automatically (sequence number). [Note: what would be interesting to see is how this operates when multiple people start using this, since obviously the names will collide on pull and push, just as a normal conflict would arise when 2 people create a file with the same name) The only attribute which is manage by the macro explicity is the "status" attribute implementing a very simple NEW,ASSIGNED,RESOLVED type state transition table.

I'd be interested in hearing your comments


Description: Zip archive

Marcel van der Boom
HS-Development BV               --
So! webapplicatie framework  --

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