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[Monotone-devel] Changelog and relative path

From: Sebastian Rose
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Changelog and relative path
Date: Sat, 16 Dec 2006 16:51:38 +0100

Hallo everyone,

here is the elisp code, that gets add-changelog-entry to use paths
relative to your projects root directory for changelog entries.

There is a project in /PATH/TO/PROJECT/.
I am editing /PATH/TO/PROJECT/www/includes/functions/general.php

Typing M-x add-change-log-entry RET 

the log file entry looks like this:


2006-12-16  sebastian  <address@hidden>

        * www/includes/functions/general.php(functionname): 


The path www/includes/functions/general.php is the same, no matter
if /PATH/TO/PROJECT/_MTN exists AND you choose /PATH/TO/PROJECT/_MTN/log
as logfile,
or your logfile is /PATH/TO/PROJECT/ChangeLog.

I edited and added the new
function to it, but it's also at the bottom of this message.

To use this function type
       M-x customize-variable RET add-log-file-name-function RET
and make it point to mtn-add-log-file-name.


1.) It relies on a local variable in add-log.el, so there is no guaranty
it works or will work in the future. Maintainer of add-log.el is the FSF
and maybee there is a solution I'm overlooking (is that english?), so
this could change.

2.) It always uses the path relative to the parent directory of _MTN if
_MTN exists somewhere up the path, the path relative to directory the
user choosen ChangLog lives in. Not customizable. No problem for me,
since I always use this kind of relative paths in my projects (and don't
understand the discussions about paths here BTW). They identify a file
in a project. Not in a directory, and not on a filesystem.


;; You need this one to get the other one to work.
;; Was part of sr-monotone.el, so maybee you use it already.

(defun mtn-get-parent-directory (child)
  "Retruns the parent directory or nil, if there is no parent.
Parent has always a trailing slash, or what ever is your systems
file separtor.
Improvements and suggestions to address@hidden"
  (if (file-regular-p child)
      (file-name-as-directory (file-name-directory child))
                                        ; this is else:
    (let ((child (file-name-as-directory child)))
      (let ((dir (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name child)))
            (parent (file-truename
                     (file-name-as-directory (expand-file-name (concat
child ".."))))))
        (if (string= dir parent)

;; This function is the one you need, to make add-change-log-entry
;; print the path of the file you're writing the change log entry for
;; relative to the root of your project directory.
;; If change-log-default-name is "log", this function assumes the
;; file is part of a monotone project and return the files path
;; relative to "/_MTN/..", just like monotone commands would do.
;; Otherwise returns the path of the file relative to the directory,
;; where the log file lives in.
;; No leading slash prepended.
;; To use this function type
;;            M-x customize-variable RET add-log-file-name-function RET
;; and make it point to mtn-add-log-file-name.
;; Unfortunately this function relies on log-file, which is an
;; undocumented variable in add-log.el, actually a local variable
;; in function
;;      add-log-file-name (buffer-file log-file).
;; But I couldn't find an other way, to get the logfile, the user has
;; choosen at this point.

(defun mtn-add-log-file-name(original-name)
  "Return the filename printed in _MTN/log (or ChangeLog) relative to
the projects root. That is the driectory the file ChangeLog lives in,
if not a monotone project, _MTN/../ otherwise.

Improvements and suggestions to address@hidden"

  (let ((directory (mtn-get-parent-directory log-file))
        (file (file-truename original-name)))

    (if (string= change-log-default-name "log")
        ;; monotone
        (let ((directory  (mtn-get-parent-directory directory)))
          (file-relative-name file directory))
      ;; else no monotone:
      (file-relative-name file directory))))


Sebastian Rose <address@hidden>

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