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[Monotone-devel] Feedback on some older work

From: Thomas Keller
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Feedback on some older work
Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 16:54:19 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070326)

Hi all!

I'm still looking for feedback on some stuff I did a while back... all these branches should basically compile and work, but may have a few rough edges here and there.

* net.venge.monotone.revision_diff

Adds a new command "automate revision_diff" which superseeds (and drops) "automate content_diff" in the way that it outputs all changes between two revisions (not only content-wise).

* net.venge.monotone.automate-netsync

A first attempt to bring push/pull/sync to automate. Uses the below branch.

* net.venge.monotone.automate-stdio-ticker

Introduces a new ticker type which outputs stdio stanzas (useful in UIs to give the user some feedback on the process state of his action).

* net.venge.monotone.commit_without_-b

Strips -b option from commit and introduces new "branch" command which edits _MTN/options. Needs some more fiddling and probably a new _MTN/options format to properly support commands which still rely on the old branch name before it is committed (f.e. one could introduce a new "new_branch" stanza in _MTN/options which is used in commit instead of any existing "branch" stanza)


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