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[Monotone-devel] partial pull #3 - calling conventions

From: Markus Schiltknecht
Subject: [Monotone-devel] partial pull #3 - calling conventions
Date: Fri, 25 May 2007 10:54:31 +0200
User-agent: Icedove (X11/20070329)

...continuing my thoughts on partial pull.

Hey, you're still with me ;-) I promise, this is the last long mail of the partial pull series.

Having only parts of a repository brings up a whole lot of new questions regarding the user interface. But especially when thinking in terms of gaps instead of a horizon, that can probably be enlightening.

The most obvious ones to solve are 'mtn annotate' and 'mtn log': those should just print a placeholder saying: "here are some revisions missing" for a gap (not much different for partial pull).

It's less obvious what to do on 'mtn automate ancestors', for example. For partial pull with a horizon, we could simply stop at the horizon. But we should certainly emit a warning that there are more revisions, which we just don't have. With gaps, it's even more important to warn about missing revisions, but we can perfectly well continue after the gap and list more ancestor revisions.

It gets really complicated with commands which take a list of revisions as their arguments, for example 'mtn automate erase_ancestors'. Shouldn't those know about the gap? Certainly, those should be able to handle the output of other automate commands.

We basically have three possibilities when printing sets of revision ids, where gaps could be contained.

1) don't print gap information - certainly the most compatible option, but this might lead to misinformation, i.e. an automate user not knowing that there are gaps in his set of revision ids.

2) print a special marker, showing that there is a gap. Most probably, we would add the sentinel revision id, for example: "sentinel:d27ab397829c.." - this would break compatibility with existing code, but only for repositories with gaps.

3) print the sentinel revision_id just like any other revision id, without a special marker - also quite compatible, except that subsequent automate commands on a revision id, like get_revision, might fail. This would require an additional automate command 'get_revision_id_type'.

I'm against option 1, but I can see reasons for 2 or 3, I'm not sure on that. And somehow they are quite close: both output the same set of information, except that option 3 needs an additional automate command afterwards.

Perhaps it's better to go for option 2 and consciously break compatibility, instead of only pretending it and silently fail afterwards.

What do you think? Did I forget any commands, for which behavior is questionable in presence of gaps?

Okay, here I'm closing my partial pull series. Thank you for following me all through 'till here. I'm looking forward to a constructive discussion.



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