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[Monotone-devel] Server policy / clustering scripts

From: Timothy Brownawell
Subject: [Monotone-devel] Server policy / clustering scripts
Date: Mon, 25 Jun 2007 20:00:49 -0500

There are some new files in contrib/ that should work as a simple server
policy mechanism. It does not allow for a server to have multiple
policies for multiple projects, as a proper policy branch implementation

The basic idea is that anyone in a list can commit to a certain branch
and update a list of servers and a list of people allowed write access
to those servers, that the server policy is automatically updated when
updates to the branch are received, and that anything received by any
server is mirrored to the other servers.

The files are serverctl.lua,, and
serverctl-update.lua, and all go in the server's --confdir, along with a
serverctl-branch and a serverctl-signers file. serverctl.lua should be
included by monotonerc.

serverctl-branch contains a branch name, and serverctl-signers contains
a list of keys allowed to commit to that branch. Whenever an update to
that branch is received it will be pulled to $confdir/ and
checked out to / updated in $confdir/serverctl , if the committer is in
the serverctl-signers file.

The control branch constains include, exclude, write-permissions, and
serverlist files. The include and exclude files are used to know what to
sync to other servers, and the serverlist file contains a list of
        server "address" "key"
lines, that tell what servers to sync to and what keys they use (the
"key" part is used to know when to *not* forward received revisions to
the other servers). The write-permissions file in this branch is used
along with the standard write-permissions file, so that anyone listed in
either is given write access.


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