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[Monotone-devel] using monotone for a simple logging database

From: John Wright
Subject: [Monotone-devel] using monotone for a simple logging database
Date: Fri, 28 Nov 2008 17:42:02 -0700

I am looking for some architecture direction on how I can leverage some of the netsync code from Monotone in a project I am working on.  I am creating a unique private logging app on top of sqlite3.  By logging I mean  a simple diary where users will log small micro-bits, ala Twitter or Jaiku and I will pull a user's public entries from Twitter and other sources in to provide context for this micro-journal.   I have been trying to design an architeture that combines feature of a dvcs like monotone with sqlite because:
Unlike a DVCS my schema is flat, there is no notion of a tree of edits/commits, just a running "straight" history of logs.  Actually there are no file blobs, just the log part of a commit.  I am hoping that this can means I can implement  this dvcs -lite logging repository in _javascript_, Objective C, and Ruby without having to resort to anything but SHA1, basic language primitives and http and things available in most programming languages.   I am writing you Monotone guys hoping somebody can help point me the relevant bits of Monotone that I can look at for inspiriation.  I am of course digging around myelf but somebody might be able to expedite the process for me.  I am particurlarly interested if whether some of the netsync code can be borrowed for such a purpose.   I know that in netsync, partial hashing of the sqlite file is used to compute what needs to be sent between the 2 systems.  Is it possible to implement a simplified version of this protocol that could work even with a _javascript_ client as one of the peers.

If this isn't an appropriate question for this forum, please ignore and my apologies,



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