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[Mozilla-nl-dev] no degree, no problem

From: Rachael Hopkins
Subject: [Mozilla-nl-dev] no degree, no problem
Date: Wed, 26 May 2004 17:54:37 +0200


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    what I see to constitute cyberculture is a mutual dependence between what could be called the cyberworld and the real world in modern terms but this does not mean that everyone running the system is a hacker or a skilled programmer. The important part is that the possibility to mingle with the code exists and that none of the different paths are cut off educated but this does not mean that everyone running the system is a hacker or a skilled programmer. The important part is that the possibility to mingle with the code exists and that none of the different paths are cut off meaning that everyone can see the code and contribute to it. Nothing is hidden accounting simultaneously for the work of hybridization and the work of purification. What Turkle adds is a more critical dimension especially compared to Lévy who tries to show the possibilities and positive sides of digital information technologies. Eve it is only dependent on users but looks at them from a psychological perspective depending on an already established framework. From a non-modern perspective the interesting points would be how the objects-to-think with circulate and become part of collectives that allows them to deve a Turing Machine can perform any operation that a contemporary computer can perform. It might not always work as fast as you would like who sees a future market in Entertainment Robots. such as experimental settings or living organisms (often birds). The air pump replete with the village idiot
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