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Re: [Mp3player-bugs] Bug in playlist

From: Ulrik Jensen
Subject: Re: [Mp3player-bugs] Bug in playlist
Date: 17 Nov 2003 05:11:46 +0100
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.2

Ulrik Jensen <address@hidden> writes:
> It only happens when I'm trying to add directories that contain files
> with 'funny' filenames, for any value of funny that doesn't exist in
> ASCII, it appears.

Here's an extra little quirk. The segfault is specific to my

If I run emacs with -q --no-site-file, and then do:

(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/mp3player/lisp/")
(add-to-list 'mp3player-paths "~/mp3/")

M-x mp3player-find-files RET same pattern RET

Move to the same directory, and press +, it works. BUT! Now I see the
bug where mp3player skips certain files - which I don't see in my
default configuration.

The minimal configuration needed to crash emacs, seems to be:

;; MP3-player
(add-to-list 'load-path "~/elisp/mp3player/lisp/")
(require 'mp3player)
(autoload 'mp3player-play-all "mp3player.el" "Start playing music" t)
(setq mp3player-playlist-format "%l (%10d)"
      mp3player-modeline-info-format "  [%40l]  ")

(setq mp3player-paths '("~/mp3/" "~/.giFT/completed/"))
;; Set a custom function for formatting messages
(setq mp3player-custom-format-function
      (lambda (file struct)
        (if (and struct
                 (not (string= (id3-song struct) ""))
                 (not (string= (id3-artist struct) "")))
            (concat (id3-artist struct) " - " (id3-song struct))
          (file-name-sans-extension (file-name-nondirectory file)))))

Notice that it doesn't happen unless I actually set my mp3player-paths
to a new value.. which would suggest that it has to do with the %d
option..  Oh well, I'll look more into that later - better get on with
the bug Lukhas reported ;)

Ulrik Jensen -- address@hidden --

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