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[Myexperiment-discuss] [Fwd: Cafe Scientifique 28th April - Mad Scientis

From: Carole Goble
Subject: [Myexperiment-discuss] [Fwd: Cafe Scientifique 28th April - Mad Scientists Gone Wild!]
Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 13:35:52 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20071210)

--- Begin Message --- Subject: Cafe Scientifique 28th April - Mad Scientists Gone Wild! Date: Wed, 16 Apr 2008 13:23:40 +0100
Courses for the Public at Cafe Scientifique are delighted to present:

Mad Scientists Gone Wild!

Behind the carefully nurtured image of aloof historical respectability lurks a 
bizarre world of dysfunctional personalities, bitter personal feuds and bigoted 
belief systems... Come and debate the age old question... how is it possible 
for scientists to have been so logical and rational, and yet so stupid at the 
same time?

By Paul Fitzgerald (who brought you - Astronaut 'Buzz' Haircut's moon hoax 
debunk evening, Pentominoes night and the 'Why on earth do you believe that?' 

Monday April 28th from 6.30pm.

Held at The Cafe Couture in The Manchester Museum on the corner of Oxford Road 
and Bridgeford Street. For full details of events please see the website:

Events are free and you can come along on the night but pre booking via the 
website is advisable.

--- End Message ---

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