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[myexperiment-hackers] [1880] branches/event_logging/app/helpers/applica

From: noreply
Subject: [myexperiment-hackers] [1880] branches/event_logging/app/helpers/application_helper.rb: Work on event logging.
Date: Wed, 22 Oct 2008 09:49:44 -0400 (EDT)

2008-10-22 09:49:43 -0400 (Wed, 22 Oct 2008)

Log Message

Work on event logging. New code properly populated with comments.

Modified Paths


Modified: branches/event_logging/app/helpers/application_helper.rb (1879 => 1880)

--- branches/event_logging/app/helpers/application_helper.rb	2008-10-21 17:23:48 UTC (rev 1879)
+++ branches/event_logging/app/helpers/application_helper.rb	2008-10-22 13:49:43 UTC (rev 1880)
@@ -574,41 +574,23 @@
     return "#{issn[0..3]}-#{issn[4..7]}"
+  # A generic caller method / interpreter of results of a true news generation method;
+  #
+  # Parameters:
+  # (default parameters defined in environment_private.rb)
+  # 1) contributor - instance of a User or Network, for which the news are generated
+  # 2) restrict_contributor - when set to "true" will generate news only for the current contributor;
+  #                           when set to "false" will pick up also all related contributors;
+  # 3-4) before, after - Time objects; the news will be generated in a time slice [after..before]
+  # 5) limit - number of news entries to generate
   def news(contributor, restrict_contributor=true,,, limit=30)
     hash = {}
-    #contributor_news(contributor, before, after, 0, (restrict_contributor ? contributor : nil)).sort! { |a, b|
-    aa = contributor_news_from_log(contributor, before, after, restrict_contributor, false)
+    # news_array = contributor_news(contributor, before, after, 0, (restrict_contributor ? contributor : nil)).sort! { |a, b|
+    news_array = contributor_news_from_log(contributor, before, after, restrict_contributor, false)
-    # DEBUG
-    #puts "values received:"
-    #cnt = 0
-    #aa.each do |val|
-    #  cnt += 1
-    #  print cnt
-    #  print " length: "
-    #  print val.length
-    #  print "; -> "
-    #  puts val
-    #end
-    #puts aa.length
-    #puts aa
-    #puts "first aa element"
-    #puts aa[0].length
-    #puts aa[0]
-    # DEBUG
-    aa.sort! { |a, b|
-    # DEBUG
-    #  puts "\nsort iteration"
-    #  puts "a"
-    #  puts a.length
-    #  puts a
-    #  puts a[0]
-    #  puts "b"
-    #  puts b.length
-    #  puts  b
-    #  puts b[0]
-    # DEBUG
+    news_array.sort! { |a, b|
       b[0] <=> a[0]
     }[0..limit].each do |news_item|
       nearest_day = news_item[0] - (news_item[0].hour.hours + news_item[0].min.minutes + news_item[0].sec.seconds)
@@ -1395,27 +1377,37 @@
+  # Produces an array of news items in a form of [timestamp, description string] from ActivityLog table.
+  #
+  # Parameters:
+  # 1) contributor - instance of a User or Network for which the news are generated;
+  # 2) before - Time object, indicating the time before which the events to be displayed (by default called with
+  # 3) after - Time object, indicating the time after which the events to be displayed (like a week ago and onwards)
+  # 4) contributor_news_only - set to "true" to get events relevant for the current user only;
+  #                                OR "false" to get events for friends and group members where contributor is a member of, too
+  # 5) return_raw_events - used for recursive calls; when set to "true" a set of events from ActivityLog table is returned;
+  #                        "false" will cause the events to be interpreted and returned as news items.
   def contributor_news_from_log(contributor, before, after, contributor_news_only, return_raw_events)
-    puts "=================================="
-    puts "> start news generation from log <"
-    puts "> " + contributor.class.to_s + ", ID = " +
-    puts "> " + (contributor.class.to_s == "Network" ? contributor.title :
-    puts "=================================="
+    # DEBUG
+    # puts "=================================="
+    # puts "> start news generation from log <"
+    # puts "> " + contributor.class.to_s + ", ID = " +
+    # puts "> " + (contributor.class.to_s == "Network" ? contributor.title :
+    # puts "=================================="
-    # 1) in the activity log any contributions made / updated / removed by the contributor
-    #    are marked with their ID in "culprit" field - and so will be picked up by news digest;
-    # 2) groups created by the current user would be marked with their ID in "culprit" field;
-    # 3) friendships / memberships for the contributor (class=USER) will be picked up, as their
-    #    ID would be indicated by culprit / referenced field in every record that is relevant for
-    #    the current contributor;
-    # 4) profile picture selections marked with contributor's ID in the "culprit" field;
+    # the news will include:
+    # - any created / updated contributables (files, packs, workflows);
+    # - any groups created by contributor;
+    # - any taggings, ratings, reviews, citations, comments, creditations, attributions made by contributor;
+    # - any permissions given to other users or groups;
-    # + news on contributions +
-    # + news for friends +
-    # + news for members of networks, where current user is member of +
+    # also, the news will include the same set of news for (if "contributor_news_only" parameter set to "false")
+    # - friends;
+    # - members of networks, where current user is member of;
+    # - members of networks, where current user is admin of;
     events = []
     related_contributors = []
@@ -1423,11 +1415,18 @@
     case contributor.class.to_s.downcase
       when "user"
         unless contributor_news_only
+          # ..add friends
+          # ..add members of networks, where contributor is admin AND where contributor is member of
           contributor.networks.concat(contributor.networks_owned).each do |network|
+          # keep the set of related contributors unique (some users maybe members of multiple related groups)
           related_contributors = related_contributors.uniq
+          # remove the contributor from the list of related contributors to avoid double processing
       when "network"
@@ -1458,7 +1457,7 @@
     # produce news from event list 
     rtn = []
-    news_item = nil # contributo_news_from_log!() will return NIL if event is not to be added to the feed for the current user
+    news_item = nil # contributor_news_from_log!() will return NIL if event is not to be added to the feed for the current user
     events.each do |e|
       news_item = contributor_news_from_log!(e)
       rtn << news_item unless news_item.nil?
@@ -1468,6 +1467,8 @@
+  # helper method that interprets event log entries from ActivityLog table into a news entry in a format of
+  # [timestamp, news_entry_string] 
   def contributor_news_from_log!(log_entry)
     rtn = [] # despite this, NIL will be returned on errors / when news entry not to be shown for current user
     action = ""
@@ -1864,6 +1865,7 @@
   def evaluate_object_instance_and_path(model_name, id)
     # evaluates the instance object and link to the page of it in the UI
     instance = eval("#{model_name}.find(#{id})")

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