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[myexperiment-hackers] [3211] branches/wf4ever/vendor/plugins/rosrs: add

From: noreply
Subject: [myexperiment-hackers] [3211] branches/wf4ever/vendor/plugins/rosrs: added missing files from rosrs client fc038a81
Date: Tue, 27 Nov 2012 12:58:29 +0000 (UTC)

2012-11-27 12:58:29 +0000 (Tue, 27 Nov 2012)

Log Message

added missing files from rosrs client fc038a81

Added Paths


Added: branches/wf4ever/vendor/plugins/rosrs/lib/wf4ever/rosrs/helper.rb (0 => 3211)

--- branches/wf4ever/vendor/plugins/rosrs/lib/wf4ever/rosrs/helper.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/wf4ever/vendor/plugins/rosrs/lib/wf4ever/rosrs/helper.rb	2012-11-27 12:58:29 UTC (rev 3211)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+module ROSRS
+  module Helper
+    def self.is_uri?(object)
+      if object.is_a?(URI) ||
+         object.is_a?(String) && (object.start_with?("/") || object.start_with?("http"))
+        true
+      else
+        false
+      end
+    end
+  end
\ No newline at end of file

Added: branches/wf4ever/vendor/plugins/rosrs/test/test_abstract_interaction.rb (0 => 3211)

--- branches/wf4ever/vendor/plugins/rosrs/test/test_abstract_interaction.rb	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/wf4ever/vendor/plugins/rosrs/test/test_abstract_interaction.rb	2012-11-27 12:58:29 UTC (rev 3211)
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+# Test suite for ROSRS_Session
+require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/helper'
+class TestAbstractInteraction < Test::Unit::TestCase
+  API_URI = ""
+  AUTH_TOKEN = "32801fc0-1df1-4e34-b"
+  TEST_RO = "TestSessionRO_ruby"
+  def setup
+    @session =, AUTH_TOKEN)
+    @ro = ROSRS::ResearchObject.create(@session, TEST_RO)
+  end
+  def teardown
+    @ro.delete
+    if @session
+      @session.close
+    end
+  end
+  def test_get_research_object
+    ro =, @ro.uri)
+    assert(!ro.loaded?)
+    ro.load # Fetch and parse the manifest
+    assert(ro.loaded?)
+    assert_not_nil(ro.manifest)
+    #assert_empty(ro.annotations)
+  end
+  def test_create_root_folder
+    assert_nil(@ro.root_folder)
+    @ro.create_folder("test_root")
+    @ro.load
+    assert_not_nil(@ro.root_folder)
+    assert_equal("test_root",
+  end
+  def test_delete_research_object
+    assert_nothing_raised { @ro.manifest }
+    @ro.delete
+    assert_raise(ROSRS::NotFoundException) { @ro.manifest }
+  end
+  def test_aggregating_resources
+    # Check can add resources
+    assert_equal(0, @ro.resources.size)
+    external = @ro.aggregate("")
+    assert_equal(1, @ro.resources.size)
+    internal = @ro.aggregate('text_example.txt', "Hello world", 'text/plain')
+    assert_equal(2, @ro.resources.size)
+    # Check still there after reloading and parsing manifest
+    @ro.load
+    assert_equal(2, @ro.resources.size)
+    # Check URI of aggregated resources
+    resource_uris = @ro.resources.collect {|r| r.uri}
+    assert_include(resource_uris, internal.uri)
+    assert_include(resource_uris, external.uri)
+    # Check proxy URI of aggregated resources
+    proxy_uris = @ro.resources.collect {|r| r.proxy_uri}
+    assert_include(proxy_uris, internal.proxy_uri)
+    assert_include(proxy_uris, external.proxy_uri)
+    # Check resources are flagged as internal/external correctly
+    internal_resource = {|r| r.uri == internal.uri}.first
+    assert(internal_resource.internal?)
+    external_resource = {|r| r.uri == external.uri}.first
+    assert(external_resource.external?)
+    # Check deaggregating resources
+    @ro.remove(external_resource)
+    assert_equal(1, @ro.resources.size)
+    resource_uris = @ro.resources.collect {|r| r.uri}
+    assert_not_include(resource_uris, external_resource.uri)
+    assert_include(resource_uris, internal_resource.uri)
+    internal_resource.delete
+    assert_equal(0, @ro.resources.size)
+    # And check after reloading manifest
+    @ro.load
+    assert_equal(0, @ro.resources.size)
+  end
+  def test_annotating_resources
+    # Check can add annotations
+    external = @ro.aggregate("")
+    internal = @ro.aggregate('text_example.txt', "Hello world", 'text/plain')
+    assert_equal(0, external.annotations.size)
+    assert_equal(0, internal.annotations.size)
+    # Create some annotations
+    remote_annotation = internal.annotate("")
+    body = create_annotation_body(@ro.uri, external.uri)
+    local_annotation = external.annotate(body)
+    # Check added to local object
+    assert_equal(1, external.annotations.size)
+    assert_equal(1, internal.annotations.size)
+    # Reload RO by fetching and parsing manifest
+    @ro.load
+    # Check annotations still there
+    external = {|r| r.uri == external.uri}.first
+    internal = {|r| r.uri == internal.uri}.first
+    assert_equal(1, external.annotations.size)
+    assert_equal(1, internal.annotations.size)
+    # Check annotations content is the same
+    assert_equal(remote_annotation.uri, internal.annotations.first.uri)
+    assert_equal(remote_annotation.body_uri, internal.annotations.first.body_uri)
+    assert_equal(local_annotation.uri, external.annotations.first.uri)
+    assert_equal(local_annotation.body_uri, external.annotations.first.body_uri)
+  end
+  def test_adding_to_a_folder
+    # Aggregate some resources
+    external = @ro.aggregate("")
+    internal = @ro.aggregate('text_example.txt', "Hello world", 'text/plain')
+    # Create a folder
+    folder = @ro.create_folder("test_root")
+    assert_not_nil(@ro.root_folder)
+    # Add the resources to the folder
+    assert_equal(0, folder.contents)
+    folder.add(external, "Google")
+    assert_equal(1, folder.contents)
+    folder.add(internal, "great_expectations.txt")
+    assert_equal(2, folder.contents)
+    # Check folder entries point to same resource
+    folder_resources = folder.contents.collect {|fe| fe.resource}
+    assert_includes(folder_resources, external)
+    assert_includes(folder_resources, internal)
+    # Reload folder
+    folder.load!
+    # Check contents the same
+    assert_equal(2, folder.contents)
+    folder_entry_names = folder.contents.collect {|fe|}
+    assert_include(folder_entry_names, "Google")
+    assert_include(folder_entry_names, "great_expectations.txt")
+    folder_resource_uris = folder.contents.collect {|fe| fe.resource.uri}
+    assert_include(folder_resource_uris, external.uri)
+    assert_include(folder_resource_uris, internal.uri)
+  end
+  def test_nesting_folders
+    root = @ro.create_folder("root")
+    assert_not_nil(@ro.root_folder)
+    assert_equal(1, @ro.folders.size)
+    # Create nested folder
+    level1 = root.create_folder("level1")
+    assert_equal(2, @ro.folders.size)
+    assert_equal(root.uri + "level1/", level1.uri)
+    assert_equal(1, root.contents.size)
+    entry = root.contents.first
+    assert_equal(entry.class, ROSRS::FolderEntry)
+    assert_equal(entry.resource.class, ROSRS::Folder)
+    assert_equal(entry.resource.uri, level1.uri)
+    # Reload and test again
+    @ro.load
+    assert_equal(2, @ro.folders.size)
+    folder_names = @ro.folders.collect {|f|}
+    assert_includes(folder_names, "level1")
+    assert_includes(folder_names, "root")
+    assert_equal(root.uri, @ro.root_folder.uri)
+    assert_equal(1, root.contents.size)
+    entry = root.contents.first
+    assert_equal(entry.class, ROSRS::FolderEntry)
+    assert_equal(entry.resource.class, ROSRS::Folder)
+    assert_equal(entry.resource.uri, level1.uri)
+  end
+  private
+  def create_annotation_body(ro_uri, resource_uri)
+    body = %(<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+      <rdf:RDF
+         xmlns:dct=""
+         xmlns:rdf=""
+         xmlns:rdfs=""
+         xml:base="#{ro_uri}"
+      >
+        <rdf:Description rdf:about="#{resource_uri}">
+          <dct:title>Title 1</dct:title>
+          <rdfs:seeAlso rdf:resource="" />
+        </rdf:Description>
+      </rdf:RDF>
+      )
+ ="" body, :format => :xml)
+  end
+ end

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