25c25 < #Macros user defined. --- > #Macros user defined (I expect them to be all capitals.) 28c28 < color blue "\||\&|\+|\=|\<|\>|\!" --- > color blue "\||\&|\+|\=|\<|\>|\!|%|\^" 36c36 < color brightblue "[^'\a-zA-Z\[\(][0-9]+" --- > color brightblue "[^\](+|-)?[0-9]+" 42c42 < #Because some of them is so small (like tm) it is necessary to include --- > #Because some of them are so small (like tm) it is necessary to include 62,63c62,63 < color brightwhite "<[^= ]*>" ""(\\.|[^"])*"" < #CPP directives. They need to go after strings because the can include strings. --- > color brightwhite "\"[^\"]*\"" > #CPP directives. They need to go after strings because they can include strings.