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Re: [Nethack-el-devel] Troubles

From: Faux_Pseudo
Subject: Re: [Nethack-el-devel] Troubles
Date: Tue, 1 Apr 2003 14:23:00 -0800
User-agent: Mutt/1.4i

--<-(Istvan Marko <address@hidden> leyos tos loyos emiv apo O epistol)->--
> > 3) Copied nethack-3.4.1/winlisp.h to nethack-3.4.1/include/winlisp.h
> Why was this needed? I don't remember having to do this...

Because if I didn't then the following lines would fail:
        grep -n winlisp.h enh-341.patch
        57:+++ nethack/include/winlisp.h        2002-01-10 19:54:20.000000000 
        136:+#include "winlisp.h"
        197:+winlisp.o: ../win/lisp/winlisp.c $(HACK_H) ../include/winlisp.h \
        209:+   ../include/winlisp.h
        540:+#include "winlisp.h"

> If you enable the tty interface in the same binary then you have to
> tell nethack to use the lisp interface as it will default to tty.

> NETHACKOPTIONS=windowtype:lisp

Without compiling if I set that in my NETHACKOPTIOINS I get the
           Window type lisp not recognized.  Choices are:

           Hit return to continue: 

So I go hunting through the code and find this in the src/Makefile and
in the enh-341.pathc
   # libraries for lisp port

Now that looks rather... odd.  Should that be empty or is the patch
missing the name of the librarry?

 .-'))   ('-.  | I respect a man who knows how
' ..-  .:" )  New content  ( ":.  -.. ' | to spell a word more than one
 ((,,_;'.;'     10 / 30     ';. ';_,,)) | way.
       ((_.;'*Faux_Pseudo*':._))        | -- Mark Twain

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