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Re: [Nmh-workers] [PATCH] scan message numbers from stdin

From: Eric Gillespie
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] [PATCH] scan message numbers from stdin
Date: Mon, 18 Aug 2008 22:49:14 -0700

Jerry Peek writes:

> So I'm wondering what this patch does when a message number read from 
> standard input refers to a message that doesn't exist.  Does scan 
> abort?  Since scan (I guess) may have already produced some output at 
> that point, what next?  I'll try to explain myself by giving a similar 
> example.

It writes an error and continues.

> argument?) refers to a message that doesn't exist.  In the third call, I 
> add another invalid message number (235) to the end of the list, but 
> scan doesn't complain about it; it aborted when it found that the 
> previous argument (233) was invalid.

It sucks, but I don't think it's easy to change.  All these
commands process the message numbers up-front, before doing
anything with them.


Eric Gillespie <*> address@hidden

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