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Re: [Nmh-workers] illegal multipart/mixed encoding display problem

From: Ken Hornstein
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] illegal multipart/mixed encoding display problem
Date: Thu, 31 Jan 2013 10:44:58 -0500

>They say they like open source so why not try their
>address@hidden address, explain the problem, and see if they
>can agree it's their code or point to a library they've pulled in.

Sancho! My armour! My sword!

In all seriousness, I assign the following probabilities to the outcome of
doing that:

- 60% chance of getting your email ignored completely
- 30% chance of getting a reply that basically says, "It works for
  everybody else, you suck".
- 5% chance of getting someone who understands your complaint but blames
  it on another piece of software and refuses to fix it.
- 5% chance of getting it fixed.

Paul, if you want to try running that to ground ... well, more power to
you.  Technically, you'd be in the right, but in my experience you're
likely to run into this sort of thing:


But it's always possible you could get it fixed.


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