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[Nmh-workers] decode base64 auth info in -snoop output?

From: David Levine
Subject: [Nmh-workers] decode base64 auth info in -snoop output?
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2016 09:32:14 -0400


post(1) -snoop currently doesn't decode base64-encoded smtp
authentication information.  I'm thinking of decoding it to make it
easier to use, and to not mask it.  For example, -snoop currently
shows this with AUTH LOGIN:

    (tls-decrypted) <= 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
    (tls-encrypted) => dXNlckBleGFtcGxlLmNvbQ==
    (tls-decrypted) <= 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
    (tls-encrypted) => bXlfcGFzc3dvcmQ=

But I'd rather see this:

    (tls-decrypted) <= 334 Username:
    (tls-encrypted) => address@hidden
    (tls-decrypted) <= 334 Password:
    (tls-encrypted) => my_password

It might not always be easy to find the base64 encoded text, but I
think it would help with the obvious, common cases such as the
above and AUTH XOAUTH2.



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