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Re: [Nmh-workers] Call for testing of nmh 1.7 release candidate 3

From: heymanj
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] Call for testing of nmh 1.7 release candidate 3
Date: Sat, 26 Aug 2017 09:29:14 -0400

On 25 August 2017 at 23:13, Ken Hornstein <address@hidden>wrote:

[ ... send: --notls discussion removed ... ]

>>>>Binary files /home/jerry/code/nmh-1.7-RC3/test/testdir/21786.draft and 
>>>>/home/jerry/code/nmh-1.7-RC3/test/testdir/21786.expected differ
>>> That's ... interesting.
>>>>./test/mhbuild/test-attach: test failed, outputs are in 
>>>>/home/jerry/code/nmh-1.7-RC3/test/testdir/21786.draft and 
>>>>FAIL: test/mhbuild/test-attach
>>> I think that might have been cleaned up.  Could you do:
>>>     make check TESTS=test/mhbuild/test-attach
>>> And then let us know what the files that it claimed were different actually
>>> contained?
>>The difference was in the final section -
>>(9052.expected contains)
>>Content-Type: application/octet-stream; name="nulls"
>>Content-Description: nulls
>>Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="nulls"
>>Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64
>>------- =_aaaaaaaaaa0--
>>(9052.draft contains):
>>Content-Type: binary/; name="nulls"
> Um, wow.  A Content-Type of binary/ ????
> I am curious .... if you grep through config.status for the following
> variables:
> What do they return?  It might be something like
>       file --brief --dereference --mime-type
> And what happens when you run that command on the file test/mhbuild/nulls ?


you were correct on what grep returns:

address@hidden nmh-1.7-RC3]$ grep MIMETYPEPROC config.status
D["MIMETYPEPROC"]=" \"file --brief --dereference --mime-type\""

address@hidden nmh-1.7-RC3]$ grep MIMEENCODINGPROC config.status
D["MIMEENCODINGPROC"]=" \"file --brief --dereference --mime-encoding\""

Then running the command:

address@hidden nmh-1.7-RC3]$ file --brief --dereference --mime-type 

> --Ken


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