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Re: [Nmh-workers] Announcing the release of nmh-1.7

From: Ken Hornstein
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] Announcing the release of nmh-1.7
Date: Sun, 19 Nov 2017 09:27:19 -0500

>Well done.  That's me switching back to running git now the other guinea
>pigs have arrived.  :-)
>I was looking at git's tags, and how the convention has changed over

Right, the previous tag names were due to CVS limitations, and we never
really standardized on it before 1.5.  I can't explain RELEASE_1_2, but
like I said we never really standardized on it so I can't really fault
the previous naming; it was up to whomever decided to do the release
that time around.  I felt "nmh" was kind of redundant and really, why
not just make it the version?

>Can we add, say, annotated tag `1.4' to the same commit as nmh-1_4, and
>likewise for 1.{2,3} releases?  It would make it easier to script using
>releases, and save having to remember the format when typing.  Maybe
>there's a git reason not to do this.

I see no reason not to; I say go ahead!

>The `To' header on the email I received was interesting.
>    To: nmh-announce: ;, ""@ruis.pair.com, address@hidden

Sigh.  I wonder which piece of software did that?

>I looked for a decent online mail archive that gives access to the
>"original" and found

You can get the "raw" archives in mbox format here:


>What did you write?  I'm guessing the perfectly valid `nmh-announce: ;'?

Yeah, like you figured out, it was originally:

        To: nmh-announce: ;, address@hidden 

Sigh.  Every release announcement I try to do something WITHIN the spec
but a little more elegant, but it ends up making life harder.

I wanted to make sure that when people replied, they just went to nmh-workers
instead of the other lists.  But due to anti-spam measures since the other
mailing lists aren't listed on the "To" line the announcement gets blocked
for moderation.  And clearly very few people use the group address, as
seen by this rather funky bug :-)  At least I am pretty sure I got the
message/external-body parts right this time!

In the future should I list all mailing lists on the To: line, or just
list nmh-workers and Dcc: the rest of them?


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