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Re: [Nmh-workers] possible problem with mhfixmsg in nmh-1.7

From: Steven Winikoff
Subject: Re: [Nmh-workers] possible problem with mhfixmsg in nmh-1.7
Date: Sun, 26 Nov 2017 19:32:04 -0500

>I think it was something obvious.  Can you add `-P' to the pwd below in
>your copy and see if it passes?

Done, and yes, it did.

>I suspect your /big is a symlink.  :-)

Close. :-)  It isn't, but the level below it is.

On some of my systems, rather than try to figure out how much space to
allocate to /home and to locally installed software (which I put in /local
to protect it from future OS upgrades), I create a single partition
spanning everything not used by the OS, with individual directories for
/home, /local and whatever else happens to fit there.

Then I have /local -> /big/local, /home -> /big/home, etc.

(Yes, I know I could just use LVM2, but even that would require some kind
of guess at the initial sizing.)

     - Steven
Steven Winikoff                |
Concordia University           | "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum
Montreal, QC, Canada           |  viditur.  (Whatever is said in Latin
address@hidden   |  sounds profound.)"
                               |                            - fortune(6)

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