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[Nuxeo-localizer] Site not translating - please help

From: Ben Simuyandi
Subject: [Nuxeo-localizer] Site not translating - please help
Date: Mon, 28 Apr 2003 17:07:08 +0100

Hello. I am having problems translating part of my site. I am using Plone,
CMF and Zope 2.6.1 with Localizer 1.0.0 and translation service. I am not
able to translate some parts of the site. I have written this message to the
Plone user list and the Plone i18n list so I am really sorry if anyone is
receiving this for the third time. Below is my problem. If you need any more
information please let me know. It may be that what I am trying to do is not
possible. If so please tell me.

I am trying to translate Plone folder names when they appear in the
folder listing. I have Localizer and translation service installed. I use
i18nLayer to create multilanguage content. I have read about ZPT and i18n.
In Plone, certain parts of the layout are automatically translated if the
browser language is changed (after setting Localizer etc up). For example,
the calendar, authenticated member actions and portal tabs are translated. I
wondered if I could use a similar method to translate folder names.

Portal tabs are translated only after a translation is added to the message
catalog. The folder names were not in the message catalog. When I changed
the folder_listing code to:

         <span tal:omit-tag="" i18n:translate=""><span

(which is very similar to <span tal:omit-tag="" i18n:translate=""><span
tal:replace="action/name">dummy</span></span> which changes the portal tabs)

all folder names now appear in the message catalog, as (not surprisingly)
untranslated. The folder names appear like so: <span>folder_name</span>
rather than just folder_name. Anyway, I translated some of them. When I
checked the site, hoping to see some translated folder names I was
disappointed. There was no difference. In the message catalog the names
exist in both languages but they are shown on the site only in English, the
default, even when my browser language is set to French and other parts of
the site therefore change to French. Does anyone know what I am doing wrong?


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