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Re: big picture stuff (long message now with return chars I hope ignore

From: Knos
Subject: Re: big picture stuff (long message now with return chars I hope ignore if you got this one and could read it)
Date: Sat Feb 3 04:42:02 2001

[Matthew Itkin <address@hidden>]
| I heard that Sylpheed, the new GTK+ mail client I was using, wasnt
| sending
| any return characters.  well, thats totally wrong and may make all the
| text
| appear on one line in your mail cleint, so here it is sent from Spruce. 
| Hopefully Spruce will add some return chracaters.  you will get this
| message twice, so just ignore it if you got it and could read it and
| read
| it already. :)  thanks.

funnily enough i am also using sylpheed; you may have to investigate
your favorite option menu.

| > I find the idea of having a scriptable tracker gui (ala emacs) very
| > interesting. 
| > you want parameter interpolation with a strange function? just code it
| and
| > voila, 
| > you have your exp, sinus function inserting parameters in the track...
| > That's 
| > the obvious application i would have for such things. 
| > 
| > or you could be able to manipulate the dynamic of parameters ...
| dilate
| > them, 
| > translate them... whatever.
| > 
| > -Nicolas Léveillé (Knos)
| OK, so you are saying you want to be able to script LFOs and wierd
| functions and such into patterns and have them give commands to machines
| arbitrary of whats in the patterns.  Its pretty easy to do a triangle
| in Buzz just by interpolating between values in the pattern editor, but
| if
| you are going for sines and stuff I can see how you might want some code
| behind it.

The lfo thing was just one (silly) suggestion, you could have read the
I would probably use that for exponential parameter slides or 
things of this kind. (and the parameter translation/dynamic range 
modification i mentionned)

Anyway, I don't understand your aggressivity here.

-Nicolas Léveillé (Knos)

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