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Re: octal 0.92 developer's beta online

From: David O'Toole
Subject: Re: octal 0.92 developer's beta online
Date: Sun Feb 25 12:42:01 2001

That is very strange. Could you post the standard output to the list?
There is a lot of debug crap that fills up the terminal window, I might be
able to see how far the other thread is getting if you post it.

The user interface thread is waiting to read from that pipe, which is how
it knows the core thread is finished initializing and loading machine
libraries. If something is stalling that core thread, then it never tells
the GUI to wake up, and nothing appears. I will look for what could be
causing that situation. I doubt this is a GTK+ problem since it is hanging
before any GTK+ stuff happens.

Were there any errors or warnings during the make? Before I put it up I
verified that the build process was flawless (completely outside of my own
dev tree, to verify that I didn't forget any files.)

> i got it, made it, ran it and not much happens...
> it just waits in this line:
>       // wait for it to come back before proceeding
>       i = read(block_pipe[0], &type, sizeof(type));
> and no windows open... ev_create returns and then this
> read blocks forever

@@@ david o'toole
@@@ address@hidden
@@@ www.gnu.org/software/octal

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