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[Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #37390] In matlab repmat can have empty inputs

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: [Octave-bug-tracker] [bug #37390] In matlab repmat can have empty inputs
Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2012 18:28:39 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_7_5) AppleWebKit/536.26.14 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/6.0.1 Safari/536.26.14

Follow-up Comment #4, bug #37390 (project octave):

Ok, I didn't look closely enough and misunderstood what ML was doing.

I did some experimenting with Matlab and put together the attached changeset.
It still needs some work to properly handle the example below.

>> repmat (x, [1 3; 1 1])

ans =

     1     2     3

>> repmat (x, [1 1; 1 1])

ans =

     1     2     3

Any idea what ML is doing here?

(file #26618)

Additional Item Attachment:

File name: changeset.patch                Size:2 KB


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