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More MATLAB Silliness

From: Quentin Spencer
Subject: More MATLAB Silliness
Date: Wed, 29 Sep 2004 19:44:53 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040913)

For anyone tracking weird things that MATLAB lets you do that somebody might ask for in octave someday, how about this:

>> a=ones(2,1);
>> b(1,:)=ones(2,1);
>> whos
 Name      Size                    Bytes  Class

 a         2x1                        16  double array
 b         1x2                        16  double array

I'm always unintentionally doing things like this in my code (assign a column vector to a row of a matrix), and in the past both Octave and MATLAB would give you an error, and I would fix it. Release 14 appears to have changed this to automatically detect what you meant to do and take care of it for you. A nice thought, I suppose, but I wonder what unintended consequences this could cause for an unsuspecting user. Are there any reasons other than convenience why this behavior is good? Any guesses on how many releases until they remove this feature?


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