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Re: Moving code from octave-forge to octave [Was: polyderiv problem?]

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: Moving code from octave-forge to octave [Was: polyderiv problem?]
Date: Wed, 23 Feb 2005 16:51:41 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040923)

John W. Eaton wrote:

On 10-Feb-2005, David Bateman <address@hidden> wrote:

| Paul Kienzle wrote:
| | > Keeping stuff in m-files as much as possible really is attractive.

Yes, I agree.  We should not convert everything to C++ just because we

| If only the existing octave version could be made faster....

Probably it can be made faster.  It might be a lot of work, but so is
converting everything to C++ and then maintaining it.

Also, how often are tril and triu used?  I only see one use of triu
and none of tril in Octave's scripts directory, and none of either in
another relatively large collection of .m files written by a

If it is really critical for some application that you have, then it
is easy enough to replace the .m version with your own .oct file.


Coming back to this... I don't necessarily agree that some functions that can be implemented as m-files shouldn't be converted to oct-files for speed reasons. The argument that my previous triu/tril file couldn't handle user or new types is a valid criticism however, but there is nothing to stop oct-files working directly on the octave_values and producing the same results as the m-file... In fact in the case of triu/tril the existing m-files won't work since there is an assumption that after doing "retval =zeros(nr,nc)" we then have the assignment function between the octave_matrix type and the arbitrary type. This is certainly not always true, so the m-file file is broken for user-types (cf fixed-point with triu(fixed(2,7,randn(4,4))) ). Writing the code in an octave_file with a generic code would in fact fix this problem.

The attached oct-file is a proof-of-concept that generic functions that operate of unknown types can equally be written in an oct-file...


David Bateman                                address@hidden
Motorola Labs - Paris +33 1 69 35 48 04 (Ph) Parc Les Algorithmes, Commune de St Aubin +33 1 69 35 77 01 (Fax) 91193 Gif-Sur-Yvette FRANCE

The information contained in this communication has been classified as: [x] General Business Information [ ] Motorola Internal Use Only [ ] Motorola Confidential Proprietary


Copyright (C) 2004 David Bateman

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA
02111-1307, USA.


//#ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
#include <config.h>

#include "dNDArray.h"
#include "CNDArray.h"
#include "Cell.h"
#include "chNDArray.h"
#include "lo-mappers.h"

#include "defun-dld.h"
#include "error.h"
#include "oct-obj.h"

DEFUN_DLD (tril, args, nargout,
  "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
@deftypefn {Function File} {} tril (@var{a}, @var{k})\n\
@deftypefnx {Function File} {} triu (@var{a}, @var{k})\n\
Return a new matrix formed by extracting extract the lower (@code{tril})\n\
or upper (@code{triu}) triangular part of the matrix @var{a}, and\n\
setting all other elements to zero.  The second argument is optional,\n\
and specifies how many diagonals above or below the main diagonal should\n\
also be set to zero.\n\
The default value of @var{k} is zero, so that @code{triu} and\n\
@code{tril} normally include the main diagonal as part of the result\n\
If the value of @var{k} is negative, additional elements above (for\n\
@code{tril}) or below (for @code{triu}) the main diagonal are also\n\
The absolute value of @var{k} must not be greater than the number of\n\
sub- or super-diagonals.\n\
For example,\n\
tril (ones (3), -1)\n\
     @result{}  0  0  0\n\
         1  0  0\n\
         1  1  0\n\
@end group\n\
@end example\n\
tril (ones (3), 1)\n\
     @result{}  1  1  0\n\
         1  1  1\n\
         1  1  1\n\
@end group\n\
@end example\n\
@end deftypefn\n\
@seealso{triu, diag}")

  octave_value retval;
  int nargin = args.length ();
  int k = 0;
  std::string cname = args(0).class_name ();

  if (nargin == 2)
      k = args(1).int_value();
      if (error_state)
        return retval;

  if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 2)
    usage ("tril");
  else if (cname == "sparse")

#define SPARSE_TRIL(MT, MV) \
        { \
          MT m = args(0).MV ## _value(); \
          if (!error_state) \
            { \
              int nr = m.rows(); \
              int nc = m.cols(); \
              if ((k > 0 && k >= nc) || (k < 0 && k <= -nr)) \
                { \
                  error ("tril: requested diagonal out of range"); \
                  return retval; \
                } \
              for (int j = 0; j < nc; j++) \
                for (int i = m.cidx(j); i < m.cidx(j+1); i++) \
                  if (m.ridx(i) < j-k) \
                    m.data(i) = 0.; \
              m.maybe_compress (true); \
              retval = m; \
            } \

      if (args(0).is_complex_type())
        SPARSE_TRIL (SparseComplexMatrix, sparse_complex_matrix)
        SPARSE_TRIL (SparseMatrix, sparse_matrix)

#define TRIL(MT, MV, ST, ZERO)                  \
        { \
          MT m = args(0).MV ## _value(); \
          if (!error_state) \
            { \
              dim_vector dv = m.dims (); \
              if (dv.length () > 2) \
                { \
                  error ("tril: must be 2d"); \
                  return retval; \
                } \
              ST *m_vec = m.fortran_vec(); \
              int nr = dv(0); \
              int nc = dv(1); \
              if ((k > 0 && k >= nc) || (k < 0 && k <= -nr)) \
                { \
                  error ("tril: requested diagonal out of range"); \
                  return retval; \
                } \
              for (int j = 0; j < nc; j++) \
                for (int i = 0; i < (j-k < nr ? j-k : nr); i++) \
                  m_vec[i+j*nr] = ZERO; \
              retval = m; \
            } \

      if (cname == "uint8")
        TRIL (uint8NDArray, uint8_array, octave_uint8, 0)
      else if (cname == "uint16")
        TRIL (uint16NDArray, uint16_array, octave_uint16, 0)
      else if (cname == "uint32")
        TRIL (uint32NDArray, uint32_array, octave_uint32, 0)
      else if (cname == "uint64")
        TRIL (uint64NDArray, uint64_array, octave_uint64, 0)
      else if (cname == "int8")
        TRIL (int8NDArray, int8_array, octave_int8, 0)
      else if (cname == "int16")
        TRIL (int16NDArray, int16_array, octave_int16, 0)
      else if (cname == "int32")
        TRIL (int32NDArray, int32_array, octave_int32, 0)
      else if (cname == "int64")
        TRIL (int64NDArray, int64_array, octave_int64, 0)
      else if (cname == "cell")
        TRIL (Cell, cell, octave_value, Matrix())
      else if (cname == "char")
        TRIL (charNDArray, char_array, char, 0)
      else if (cname == "double")
          if (args(0).is_complex_type())
            TRIL (ComplexNDArray, complex_array, Complex, 0.)
            TRIL (NDArray, array, double, 0.)
          // Generic code that works on octave-values, that is slow
          // but will also work on arbitrary user types

          octave_value arg = args(0);
          octave_value tmp = arg;
          dim_vector dv = arg.dims ();
          if (dv.length () > 2) 
              error ("tril: must be 2d");
              return retval;

          int nr = dv(0);
          int nc = dv(1);

          if ((k > 0 && k >= nc) || (k < 0 && k <= -nr))
              error ("tril: requested diagonal out of range");
              return retval;

          // The sole purpose of the below is to force the correct
          // matrix size. This would not be necessary if the
          // octave_value resize function allowed a fill_value.
          // It also allows odd things in the things like galois fields
          // to be handled. With a fill_value ot should be replaced 
          // with
          // octave_value_list ov_idx;
          // tmp = tmp.resize(dim_vector (0,0)).resize (dv, fill_value);

          octave_value_list ov_idx;
          std::list<octave_value_list> idx_tmp;
          ov_idx(1) = static_cast<double> (nc+1);
          ov_idx(0) = Range (1, nr);
          idx_tmp.push_back (ov_idx);
          ov_idx(1) = static_cast<double> (nc);
          tmp = tmp.resize (dim_vector (0,0));
          tmp = tmp.subsasgn("(",idx_tmp, arg.do_index_op (ov_idx));
          tmp = tmp.resize(dv);

          int st = nc < nr + k ? nc : nr + k;

          for (int j = 1; j <= st; j++)
              int nr_limit = 1 > j - k ? 1 : j - k;
              octave_value_list ov_idx;
              ov_idx(1) = static_cast<double> (j);
              ov_idx(0) = Range (nr_limit, nr);
              std::list<octave_value_list> idx;
              idx.push_back (ov_idx);

              tmp = tmp.subsasgn ("(", idx, arg.do_index_op(ov_idx));

              if (error_state)
                return retval;

          retval = tmp;
#undef TRIL

  return retval;

DEFUN_DLD (triu, args, nargout,
  "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
@deftypefn {Function File} {} triu (@var{a}, @var{k})\n\
See tril.\n\
  octave_value retval;
  int nargin = args.length ();
  int k = 0;
  std::string cname = args(0).class_name ();

  if (nargin == 2)
      k = args(1).int_value();
      if (error_state)
        return retval;

  if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 2)
    usage ("tril");
  else if (cname == "sparse")
#define SPARSE_TRIU(MT, MV) \
        { \
          MT m = args(0).MV ## _value(); \
          if (!error_state) \
            { \
              int nr = m.rows(); \
              int nc = m.cols(); \
              if ((k > 0 && k >= nc) || (k < 0 && k <= -nr)) \
                { \
                  error ("triu: requested diagonal out of range"); \
                  return retval; \
                } \
              for (int j = 0; j < nc; j++) \
                for (int i = m.cidx(j); i < m.cidx(j+1); i++) \
                  if (m.ridx(i) > j-k) \
                    m.data(i) = 0.; \
              m.maybe_compress (true); \
              retval = m; \
            } \

      if (args(0).is_complex_type())
        SPARSE_TRIU (SparseComplexMatrix, sparse_complex_matrix)
        SPARSE_TRIU (SparseMatrix, sparse_matrix)

#define TRIU(MT, MV, ST, ZERO) \
        { \
          MT m = args(0).MV ## _value(); \
          if (!error_state) \
            { \
              dim_vector dv = m.dims (); \
              if (dv.length () > 2) \
                { \
                  error ("triu: must be 2d"); \
                  return retval; \
                } \
              ST *m_vec = m.fortran_vec(); \
              int nr = dv(0); \
              int nc = dv(1); \
              if ((k > 0 && k >= nc) || (k < 0 && k <= -nr)) \
                { \
                  error ("triu: requested diagonal out of range"); \
                  return retval; \
                } \
              for (int j = 0; j < nc; j++) \
                for (int i = (j-k+1 > 0 ? j-k+1 : 0); i < nr; i++) \
                  m_vec[i+j*nr] = ZERO; \
              retval = m; \
            } \

      if (cname == "uint8")
        TRIU (uint8NDArray, uint8_array, octave_uint8, 0)
      else if (cname == "uint16")
        TRIU (uint16NDArray, uint16_array, octave_uint16, 0)
      else if (cname == "uint32")
        TRIU (uint32NDArray, uint32_array, octave_uint32, 0)
      else if (cname == "uint64")
        TRIU (uint64NDArray, uint64_array, octave_uint64, 0)
      else if (cname == "int8")
        TRIU (int8NDArray, int8_array, octave_int8, 0)
      else if (cname == "int16")
        TRIU (int16NDArray, int16_array, octave_int16, 0)
      else if (cname == "int32")
        TRIU (int32NDArray, int32_array, octave_int32, 0)
      else if (cname == "int64")
        TRIU (int64NDArray, int64_array, octave_int64, 0)
      else if (cname == "cell")
        TRIU (Cell, cell, octave_value, Matrix())
      else if (cname == "char")
        TRIU (charNDArray, char_array, char, 0)
      else if (cname == "double")
          if (args(0).is_complex_type())
            TRIU (ComplexNDArray, complex_array, Complex, 0.)
            TRIU (NDArray, array, double, 0.)
          // Generic code that works on octave-values, that is slow
          // but will also work on arbitrary user types

          octave_value arg = args(0);
          octave_value tmp = arg;
          dim_vector dv = arg.dims ();
          if (dv.length () > 2) 
              error ("triu: must be 2d");
              return retval;

          int nr = dv(0);
          int nc = dv(1);

          if ((k > 0 && k >= nc) || (k < 0 && k <= -nr))
              error ("triu: requested diagonal out of range");
              return retval;

          // The sole purpose of the below is to force the correct
          // matrix size. This would not be necessary if the
          // octave_value resize function allowed a fill_value
          // It also allows odd things in the things like galois fields
          // to be handled. With a fill_value ot should be replaced 
          // with
          // octave_value_list ov_idx;
          // tmp = tmp.resize(dim_vector (0,0)).resize (dv, fill_value);

          octave_value_list ov_idx;
          std::list<octave_value_list> idx_tmp;
          ov_idx(1) = static_cast<double> (nc+1);
          ov_idx(0) = Range (1, nr);
          idx_tmp.push_back (ov_idx);
          ov_idx(1) = static_cast<double> (nc);
          tmp = tmp.resize (dim_vector (0,0));
          tmp = tmp.subsasgn("(",idx_tmp, arg.do_index_op (ov_idx));
          tmp = tmp.resize(dv);

          int st = k + 1 > 1 ? k + 1 : 1;

          for (int j = st; j <= nc; j++)
              int nr_limit = nr < j - k ? nr : j - k;
              ov_idx(1) = static_cast<double> (j);
              ov_idx(0) = Range (1, nr_limit);
              std::list<octave_value_list> idx;
              idx.push_back (ov_idx);

              tmp = tmp.subsasgn ("(", idx, arg.do_index_op(ov_idx));

              if (error_state)
                return retval;

          retval = tmp;
#undef TRIU

  return retval;

;;; Local Variables: ***
;;; mode: C++ ***
;;; End: ***

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