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Re: Kind of a lookfor function (moved from help list)

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: Kind of a lookfor function (moved from help list)
Date: Sun, 05 Jun 2005 19:31:58 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 0.8 (X11/20040923)

It panics and aborts Octave. What am I doing wrong?

I had lots of those, but thought I'd fixed them all.. Its almost certainly that I'm trying to take a substr in a range that is larger than the string itself in the function first_help_sentence... There are two ways of calling lookfor, with or without the -all argument. With the -all argument lookfor search in the entire help string of all functions and only calls first_help_sentence on the matching functions, without the -all argument first_help_sentence is called on all help strings...

I made some changes, and only called with the "-all" flag and so got caught out.. Try the new version attached...


David Bateman                                address@hidden
Motorola Labs - Paris +33 1 69 35 48 04 (Ph) Parc Les Algorithmes, Commune de St Aubin +33 1 69 35 77 01 (Fax) 91193 Gif-Sur-Yvette FRANCE

The information contained in this communication has been classified as: [x] General Business Information [ ] Motorola Internal Use Only [ ] Motorola Confidential Proprietary


Copyright (C) 2005 David Bateman

This file is part of Octave.

Octave is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any
later version.

Octave is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with Octave; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to the Free
Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA
02110-1301, USA.


#include <config.h>

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <sstream>
#include "oct.h"
#include "oct-strstrm.h"
#include "defaults.h"
#include "fn-cache.h"
#include "cmd-edit.h"

extern std::string get_help_from_file (const std::string& f);

static std::string
pad (const std::string &s, const size_t len)
  std::string ret = s;
  for (size_t i = 0; i < len - s.length(); i++) 
    ret.append(" ");

  return ret;

static bool
looks_like_texinfo (const std::string& msg, size_t& p1)
  p1 = msg.find ('\n');

  std::string t = msg.substr (0, p1);

  if (p1 == NPOS)
    p1 = 0;

  size_t p2 = t.find ("-*- texinfo -*-");

  return (p2 != NPOS);

// XXX FIXME XXX This function might be simplified using regex
first_help_sentence (const std::string &h, const bool short_sentence = true)
  size_t pos = 0;

  if (looks_like_texinfo (h, pos))
      // Get the parsed help string.
      pos = 0;
      OSSTREAM os;
      display_help_text (os, h);
      std::string h2 = os.str ();

      while (1)
          // Skip leading whitespace and get new line
          pos = h2.find_first_not_of ("\n\t ", pos);

          if (pos == NPOS)

          size_t new_pos = h2.find_first_of ('\n', pos);
          std::string line = h2.substr (pos, new_pos-pos);

          // Skip lines starting in "-"
          if (line.find_first_of ('-') == 0)
              pos = new_pos + 1;


      if (pos == NPOS)
        return std::string ();

      // At start of real text. Get first line with the sentence
      size_t new_pos = h2.find_first_of ('\n', pos);
      std::string line = h2.substr (pos, new_pos-pos);
      size_t dot_pos;

      while ((dot_pos = line.find_first_of ('.')) == NPOS)
          // Trim trailing blanks on line
          line.substr (0, line.find_last_not_of ("\n\t ") + 1);

          // Append next line
          size_t tmp_pos = h2.find_first_not_of ("\n\t ", new_pos + 1);
          if (tmp_pos == NPOS || h2.substr (tmp_pos, 1) == "\n")

          new_pos = h2.find_first_of ('\n', tmp_pos);
          std::string next = h2.substr (tmp_pos, new_pos-tmp_pos);

          if (short_sentence)
              size_t tmp_pos;
              if ((tmp_pos = next.find_first_of ('.')) != NPOS)
                  line = line + " " + next;
                  tmp_pos = line.find_first_of ('.');
            line = line + " " + next;

      if (dot_pos == NPOS)
        return line;
        return line.substr (0, dot_pos + 1);
      std::string upper = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ";
      std::string lower = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz";
      std::string alpha = upper + lower + "_";
      std::string alphanum = alpha + "1234567890";
      pos = 0;

      while (1)
          // Skip leading whitespace and get new line
          pos = h.find_first_not_of ("\n\t ", pos);

          if (pos == NPOS)

          size_t new_pos = h.find_first_of ('\n', pos);
          std::string line = h.substr (pos, new_pos-pos);

          // Make a lower case copy to simplify some tests
          std::string lower = line;
          transform (lower.begin (), lower.end (), lower.begin (), tolower);

          // Skip lines starting in "-" or "Usage"
          if (lower.find_first_of ('-') == 0 ||
              lower.substr (0, 5) == "usage")
              pos = new_pos + 1;

          size_t line_pos = 0;
          size_t tmp_pos = 0;

          // chop " blah : "
          tmp_pos = line.find_first_not_of ("\t ", line.find_first_not_of 
                                             (alphanum, line_pos));
          if (tmp_pos != NPOS && line.substr (tmp_pos, 1) == ":")
            line_pos = line.find_first_not_of ("\t ", tmp_pos + 1);

          if (line_pos == NPOS)
              pos = new_pos + 1;

          // chop " function "
          if (lower.substr (line_pos, 8) == "function")
            line_pos =  line.find_first_not_of ("\t ", line_pos + 8);
          if (line_pos == NPOS)
              pos = new_pos + 1;

          // chop " [a,b] = "
          if (line.substr (line_pos, 1) == "[")
              tmp_pos = line.find_first_not_of 
                ("\t ", line.find_first_of ("]", line_pos) + 1);

              if (tmp_pos != NPOS && line.substr (tmp_pos, 1) == "=")
                line_pos = line.find_first_not_of ("\t ",tmp_pos + 1);

          if (line_pos == NPOS)
              pos = new_pos + 1;

          // chop " a = "
          if (line.find_first_not_of (alpha, line_pos) != line_pos)
              tmp_pos = line.find_first_not_of ("\t ", line.find_first_not_of 
                                                (alphanum, line_pos));
              if (tmp_pos != NPOS && line.substr (tmp_pos, 1) == "=")
                line_pos = line.find_first_not_of ("\t ", tmp_pos + 1);

          if (line_pos == NPOS)
              pos = new_pos + 1;

          // chop " f(x) "
          if (line.find_first_not_of (alpha, line_pos) != line_pos)
              tmp_pos = line.find_first_not_of ("\t ", line.find_first_not_of 
                                                (alphanum, line_pos));
              if (tmp_pos != NPOS && line.substr (tmp_pos, 1) == "(")
                line_pos = line.find_first_not_of ("\t ", line.find_first_of 
                                                   (")", tmp_pos) + 1);

          if (line_pos == NPOS)
              pos = new_pos + 1;

          // chop " ; "
          if (line.substr (line_pos, 1) == ":" || 
              line.substr (line_pos, 1) == ";")
            line_pos = line.find_first_not_of ("\t ", line_pos + 1);

          if (line_pos == NPOS)
              pos = new_pos + 1;

          // chop " BLAH "
          if (line.length ()  > line_pos + 2 &&
              line.find_first_of (upper, line_pos) == line_pos &&
              line.find_first_of (upper, line_pos+1) == line_pos + 1)
            line_pos = line.find_first_not_of ("\t ", line.find_first_not_of 
                        (upper + "0123456789_", line_pos));

          if (line_pos == NPOS)
              pos = new_pos + 1;

          // chop " blah --- "
          tmp_pos = line.find_first_not_of ("\t ", line.find_first_not_of 
                                             (alphanum, line_pos));
          if (tmp_pos != NPOS && line.substr (tmp_pos, 1) == "-")
              tmp_pos = line.find_first_not_of ("-", tmp_pos);
              if (line.substr (tmp_pos, 1) == " " || 
                  line.substr (tmp_pos, 1) == "\t")
                line_pos = line.find_first_not_of ("\t ", tmp_pos);

          if (line_pos == NPOS)
              pos = new_pos + 1;

          // chop " blah <TAB> "
          if (line.find_first_not_of (alpha, line_pos) != line_pos)
              tmp_pos = line.find_first_not_of (" ", line.find_first_not_of 
                                                (alphanum, line_pos));
              if (tmp_pos != NPOS && line.substr (tmp_pos, 1) == "\t")
                line_pos = line.find_first_not_of ("\t ", line.find_first_of 
                                                   (")", tmp_pos) + 1);

          if (line_pos == NPOS)
              pos = new_pos + 1;

          // chop " blah  "
          if (line.find_first_not_of (alpha, line_pos) != line_pos)
              tmp_pos = line.find_first_not_of (alphanum, line_pos);

              if (tmp_pos != NPOS && (line.substr (tmp_pos, 2) == "\t\t" ||
                  line.substr (tmp_pos, 2) == "\t " ||
                  line.substr (tmp_pos, 2) == " \t" ||
                  line.substr (tmp_pos, 2) == " "))
                line_pos = line.find_first_not_of ("\t ", tmp_pos);

          if (line_pos == NPOS)
              pos = new_pos + 1;

          // skip blah \n or \n blah
          // skip blank line
          // skip "# !/usr/bin/octave"
          if ((line.substr (line_pos , 2) == "or" && 
               line.find_first_not_of ("\n\t ", line_pos + 2) == NPOS) ||
              line.find_first_not_of ("\n\t ", line_pos) == NPOS ||
              line.substr (line_pos, 2) == "!/")
              pos = new_pos + 1;

          // Got the start of first sentence, break.
          pos = pos + line_pos;

      if (pos == NPOS)
        return std::string ();

      // At start of real text. Get first line with the sentence
      size_t new_pos = h.find_first_of ('\n', pos);
      std::string line = h.substr (pos, new_pos-pos);
      size_t dot_pos;

      while ((dot_pos = line.find_first_of ('.')) == NPOS)
          // Trim trailing blanks on line
          line = line.substr (0, line.find_last_not_of ("\n\t ") + 1);

          // Append next line
          size_t tmp_pos = h.find_first_not_of ("\t ", new_pos + 1);
          if (tmp_pos == NPOS || h.substr (tmp_pos, 1) == "\n")

          new_pos = h.find_first_of ('\n', tmp_pos);
          std::string next = h.substr (tmp_pos, new_pos-tmp_pos);

          if (short_sentence)
              // Only add the next line if it terminates the sentence, then 
              if ((tmp_pos = next.find_first_of ('.')) != NPOS)
                  line = line + " " + next;
                  tmp_pos = line.find_first_of ('.');
            line = line + " " + next;

      if (dot_pos == NPOS)
        return line;
        return line.substr (0, dot_pos + 1);

// XXX FIXME DEFUN_DLD should be replaced with DEFCMD when included in help.cc
DEFUN_DLD (lookfor, args, nargout, 
  "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
@deffn {Command} lookfor @var{str}\n\
@deffnx {Command} lookfor -all @var{str}\n\
@deffnx {Function} address@hidden, @var{helpstring}] = } lookfor (@var{str})\n\
@deffnx {Function} address@hidden, @var{helpstring}] = } lookfor ('-all', 
Search for the string @var{str} in all of the functions found in\n\
@var{LOADPATH}. By default @code{lookfor} searchs for @var{str} in the\n\
first sentence of the help string of each function found. The entire\n\
help string of each function found of @var{LOADPATH} can be search if\n\
the '-all' argument is supplied. All searches are case insensitive.\n\
Called with no output arguments, @code{lookfor} prints the list of matching\n\
functions to the terminal. Otherwise the output arguments @var{fun} and\n\
@var{helpstring} define the matching functions and the first sentence of\n\
each of their help strings.\n\
Note that the ability of @code{lookfor} to correctly identify the first\n\
sentence of the help of the functions is dependent on the format of the\n\
functions help. All of the functions in octave itself will correctly\n\
find the first sentence, but the same can not be guaranteed for other\n\
functions. Therefore the use of the '-all' argument might be necessary\n\
to find related functions that are not part of octave.\n\
@end deffn\n\
@seealso{which, help}")
  octave_value_list retval;
  int nargin = args.length ();
  bool first_sentence_only = true;

  if (nargin != 1 && nargin != 2)
      usage ("lookfor");
      return retval;

  string_vector ret[2];

  std::string txt;

  if (args(0).is_string ())
      txt = args(0).string_value ();

      if (nargin == 2)
          if (args(1).is_string ())
              std::string tmp = args(1).string_value ();

              if (txt.substr(0,1) == "-")
                  txt = tmp;
                  tmp = args(0).string_value ();

              if (tmp == "-all")
                first_sentence_only = false;
                error ("lookfor: unrecognized option argument");
            error ("lookfor: arguments must be a string");
    error ("lookfor: argument must be a string");

  if (!error_state)
      // All tests in lower case
      transform (txt.begin (), txt.end (), txt.begin (), tolower);

      // XXX FIXME XXX Add test for keywords and operators here 

      // Check the symbol record table
      string_vector names
        = fbi_sym_tab->name_list (string_vector (), true);

      for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < names.length (); i++)
          std::string name = names (i);

          symbol_record *sr = lookup_by_name (name, 0);
          if (sr && sr->is_defined ())
              std::string h = sr->help ();
              std::string s;
              if (first_sentence_only)
                s = first_help_sentence (h);
                s = h;
              transform (s.begin (), s.end (), s.begin (), tolower);

              if (s.length () > 0 && s.find (txt) != NPOS)
                  ret[0].append (name);
                  ret[1].append (first_help_sentence (h));

      string_vector dirs = Vload_path_dir_path.all_directories ();

      int len = dirs.length ();

      for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
          names = octave_fcn_file_name_cache::list (dirs[i]);

          if (! names.empty ())
              for (int j = 0; j < names.length (); j++)
                  std::string name = names (j);

                  // Strip extension
                  size_t len = name.length ();
                  if (name.substr (len-4) == ".oct")
                    name = name.substr (0, len - 4);
                  else if (name.substr (len-2) == ".m")
                    name = name.substr (0, len - 2);

                  // Check if already in symbol table
                  symbol_record *sr = fbi_sym_tab->lookup (name);

                  if (!sr)
                      // Check if this version is first in the path
                      string_vector tmp (2);
                      tmp(0) = name + ".oct";
                      tmp(1) = name + ".m";
                      std::string file_name = 
                        Vload_path_dir_path.find_first_of (tmp);

                      if (file_name == dirs[i] + tmp(0) ||
                          file_name == dirs[i] + tmp(1))
                          std::string h = get_help_from_file (file_name);

                          std::string s;
                          if (first_sentence_only)
                            s = first_help_sentence (h);
                            s = h;

                          transform (s.begin (), s.end (), s.begin (), tolower);

                          if (s.length () > 0 && s.find (txt) != NPOS)
                              ret[0].append (name);
                              ret[1].append (first_help_sentence (h));

      if (nargout != 0)
          retval (1) = ret[1];
          retval (0) = ret[0];
#define DEFLEN 20

          octave_idx_type max_width = command_editor::terminal_cols () - DEFLEN;
          if (max_width < 20)
            max_width = 20;

          for (octave_idx_type i = 0; i < ret[0].length (); i++)
              octave_stdout << pad (ret[0](i), DEFLEN);
              std::string line = ret[1](i);
              size_t pos = 0;

              while (1)
                  size_t new_pos = line.find_first_of ("\n\t ", pos);
                  size_t end_pos = new_pos;

                  if ((line.length () - pos) < max_width)
                    new_pos = end_pos = NPOS;
                    while (new_pos != NPOS && (new_pos - pos) < max_width)
                        end_pos = new_pos;
                        new_pos = line.find_first_of ("\n\t ", new_pos + 1);

                  octave_stdout << line.substr (pos, end_pos-pos) << std::endl;
                  if (new_pos == NPOS)

                  pos = end_pos +1;
                  octave_stdout << pad ("", DEFLEN);
      error ("lookfor: argument must be a string");

  return retval;

// XXX FIXME XXX helpstring is only here to allow me to test the code on a
// single help string, and in particular the code to obtain the first sentence. 
// Delete when included in octave.
DEFUN_DLD (helpstring, args, , "help text")
  octave_value retval;
  int nargin = args.length ();

  if (nargin != 1)
      usage ("helpstring");
      return retval;

  // Open the string stream
  octave_ostrstream *o_ostr = new octave_ostrstream ();
  std::ostream *os = o_ostr->output_stream ();

  if (os)
      if (args(0).is_string ())
          std::string nm = args(0).string_value ();
          bool got_help = false;

          // Check the symbol record table first
          symbol_record *sym_rec = lookup_by_name (nm, 0);
          if (sym_rec && sym_rec->is_defined ())
              std::string h = sym_rec->help ();
              if (h.length () > 0)
                  display_help_text (*os, h);
                  got_help = true;
          // Get help from file if we haven't already gotten the help
          if (! got_help) 
              std::string path = fcn_file_in_path (nm);
              std::string h = get_help_from_file (path);

              if (! h.empty ())
                  display_help_text (*os, h);
                  got_help = true;
          if (! got_help)
            error ("helpstring: sorry %s is not documented", nm.c_str());
            retval = first_help_sentence (o_ostr->str ());
          error ("helpstring: argument must be a string");
      error ("helpstring: could not open output stream");

  return retval;

;;; Local Variables: ***
;;; mode: C++ ***
;;; End: ***

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