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Re: merging functions from octave-forge

From: Keith Goodman
Subject: Re: merging functions from octave-forge
Date: Mon, 6 Jun 2005 17:59:33 -0700

John W. Eaton wrote:

> so that leaves about 150 functions to merge:
>   addpath betaln blkdiag brighten builtin calendar clf complex
>   contourf conv2 convhull convhulln cplxpair csvread csvwrite cumtrapz
>   datenum datestr datevec del2 delaunay delaunay3 delaunayn demo
>   dlmread dlmwrite dos drawnow edit ellipj ellipke eomday expm1 factor
>   factorial fill fill3 filter2 fminbnd fplot full funm fzero getfield
>   ginput gradient griddata gtext hadamard ifftshift imread imwrite
>   inputname interp1 interp2 interpft intersect isdir isequal ismember
>   isprime issparse legend legendre magic mat2str meshc mkpp nchoosek
>   nnz nonzeros now nthroot ode23 ode45 optimset orient pareto pascal
>   patch pcg pchip pcolor peaks peaks perms pie plot3 polyarea ppval
>   primes print psi quadl quiver rat rats regexp rmpath rosser rref
>   scatter setdiff setfield setxor sortrows sound soundsc sparse
>   spdiags speye spfun spline spones sprand sprandn spy stem str2double
>   strcmpi strfind strmatch strncmp strncmpi strtok strvcat surf surfc
>   tar text textread trapz tsearch unique unmkpp view voronoi voronoin
>   waitbar wavread wavwrite weekday wilkinson xlsread xmlread xmlwrite
>   zoom
> Comments?

addpath and rmpath are very useful. I use them all the time.

While going back and forth between Octave and bash to port some Matlab
code, I've found that the usefulness of addpath and rmpath is
temporary---once you exit Octave you lose the path changes.

To keep the path after you exit Octave we need savepath. Maybe the
default storage place could be ~/.octavepathdef, which would be an
ascii file that people can edit by hand if they want.

Should the path definition be read before or after ~/.octaverc? If it
is THE path, then after.

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