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From: Ole Jacob Hagen
Subject: Oplot
Date: Wed, 27 Jul 2005 00:26:30 +0000
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0 (X11/20041206)


I am proud to announce that Oplot 0.1 have been released.
You can find Oplot at http://oplot.sourceforge.net.

Oplot is implemented by using Coin and Qt. To build oplot, please read the README file.
It is possible to create your own debian packages easily.

Oplot 0.1 supports "handle graphics" to some extent, it is not complete yet.
But Oplot supports these objects:

Root, Figure, Axes, Line, Image.

Functions that are supported is:
axes, axis, get, set, gca, gcf, cla, clf, hold on/off, box('on'/'off'), image, line, plot, contour, print, subplot, xlabel, ylabel, title.

you can manipulate objects in this way:

h = line;
ho = get(h) // will list out all properties to a line object.
ho.<TAB> gives you a list with a "code-completion" of your line properties.

Similar behaviour to root = get(0), f = get(gcf), ax = get(gca), im = get(image)

xlabels, ylabels, and title are "hidden" objects, but their handle values can be collected by using:
get(gca,'xlabel'), get(gca,'ylabel'), get(gca,'title')

Check out the examples that are supplied in the source code.

Requires octave-forge routines imread and dispatch, and their dependencies.


* EPS/PS generation by vectorized graphics or pixel bitmapped graphics.
* Several figures are arranged in a tabbed window.
* image in truecolor
* line with different linestyles, and markers.
* text objects with different fonts, fontsizes and rotations...
* can set cameraposition, projection, cameratarget, and cameraupvector.
* manipulate axis values
Features to come:

* create a gui property editor/viewer
* better EPS/PS generation
* better algorithm for cameraposition
* logarithmic axes
* better marker implementation
* create Patch and Surface object
* axis control by viewing.
* Support volume rendering
* texture mappings
* Better font support, since some fonts are rendered as polygons.
* Work on a Win32 version using Qt-4 (which are non-commercial and compatible with GPL)

Suggestions and improvements can be sent to our mailinglist located at http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=40943 Bugs are reported here http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=73257&atid=537255 .

More developers are wanted.

Both m-coders, and c++ coders.


Ole J.

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