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Re: Website Updates

From: Bill Denney
Subject: Re: Website Updates
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 2006 09:43:10 -0500 (EST)

According to http://www.oddmuse.org/cgi-bin/wiki/Passwords, you can add a variable to the config file called $EditPass with a space separated list of passwords:


Default: empty

This is a string containing a list of passwords separated by whitespace. Thus, 'foo bar' defines two passwords, 'foo' and 'bar'. Any user having set one of these passwords is considered to be an editor for the wiki.


On Fri, 10 Feb 2006, Etienne Grossmann wrote:

 Hi All,

we can try to set the wiki w/ a password, if oddmuse (the wiki prog)
allows. If someone knows exactly what should be done, send me
braindead instructions and I can give it a try. Since I am traveling
until the 21st, I can only spend a wee bit of time at a time on this
question; else I can look into it after the 21st. Else you can send me
your IP and I can add it to the wiki so you can edit.

 Cheers, thx for proposing to contribute & sorry for the hurdle
 before allowing you to edit the wiki...


On Thu, Feb 09, 2006 at 06:27:16PM -0500, Tom Holroyd (NIH/NIMH) [E] wrote:
# >Also, if anyone would like to help with maintaining the web pages,
# >please let John and me know.  I'm working to bring the pages up to date,
# >but it would be nice in the future to have maintenance handled by
# >several people so that there is not just one person who is the webmaster
# >but a team.
# It seems the Wiki is a good place for this sort of thing ... I haven't been
# around lately so I don't know if that's been discussed much.  In particular
# I just tried to make a change and editting was denied.  By IP it seems.
# Wouldn't it make more sense to just have a password, and post that here?
# Then I could change where it says:
#    * For a logical-or, Octave can use `|' or `||'; Matlab requires `|'.
#    (note: Octave's '||' and '&&' return a scalar, '|' and '&' return
#    matrices)
# (found on http://wiki.octave.org/wiki.pl?MatlabOctaveCompatibility)
# to this:
#    * In Octave, the '|' operator does not shortcut, while '||' does; this
#    is the same as the behavior in C.  In Matlab, both the '|' and the '||'
#    operators shortcut.  Thus an expression like "f(a) | g(b)" will cause
#    both f() and g() to run in Octave, but in Matlab g() won't run if f(a)
#    returns true.
# That old description is just wrong.  Not sure about the note.
# --
# Dr. Tom Holroyd
# The 9th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution:
# "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be
# construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

Etienne Grossmann ------ http://www.cs.uky.edu/~etienne

"... doing legal research is by far the most fun and creative part of
the law, from my perspective. It's like playing jazz."
  -- Pamela Jones,

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