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Re: MSVC/Win32: building the documentation

From: Michael Goffioul
Subject: Re: MSVC/Win32: building the documentation
Date: Sat, 28 Oct 2006 16:24:36 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20060909)

John W. Eaton a écrit :
| - run-octave failed to recreate the figures because it couldn't
| start the gnuplot process, while pgnuplot was actually in my
| PATH. I identified the cause as the way how gnuplot is invoked
| when use_title_options is true. For some (still unidentified)
| reasons, this does not work. But I could workaround it easily
| by undefining DISPLAY, as in \"DISPLAY= make\". However, and that's
| the funny part, you cannot set COMSPEC to an empty value to
| build the images, as in the second point, otherwise octave is
| unable to start pgnuplot as sub-process. So either you run a
| suite of \"COMSPEC= make\" and \"DISPLAY= make\" up to the next error.
| Or you can use the texi2dvi from the MiKTeX package, which does
| not require COMSPEC set to empty. As a 3rd solution, you can
| simply forget about the COMSPEC setting and just type \"../conf.texi\"
| when texi2dvi/pdf fails to find it.

Concerning the run-octave script, it fails if the build/source directory contains spaces. Is this a requirement (no space in build/src dir) or should the run-octave script be fixed?


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