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Re: 2.9.11?

From: Paul Kienzle
Subject: Re: 2.9.11?
Date: Thu, 19 Apr 2007 08:49:18 -0400

On Apr 19, 2007, at 7:53 AM, Michael Goffioul wrote:

On 4/19/07, Thomas Weber <address@hidden> wrote:
Am Donnerstag, 19. April 2007 09:47 schrieb Michael Goffioul:
> 2) "configure" script must be called with additional settings, to correctly
> define compiler; the command should looks like:

> CC=cc-msvc CXX=cc-msvc AR=ar-msvc RANLIB=ranlib-msvc ./configure
> Would it be OK to use octave_config_info('config_opts') to achieve this?
> (I mean, is it OK for other platforms?)

This is an issue we are facing in Debian as well: how to pass additional flags
to the configure script. Did you hardcode your changes into pkg.m?

For the time being, yes. But I could probably also use:

  system(['cd src; ./configure ', octave_config_info('config_opts')]);

although I didn't test it yet. But the point here is that I want to use the
same flags as those used to compile octave itself. Adding *new* flags
is something different.

One problem I have with the binary distributions for Python and Tcl on
Windows is that they try to use the same compiler to build packages as
was used to build the system itself, whereas I want to use MinGW since
I don't have the MSVC compiler available.

So long as the C ABI is stable and the user is only building mex files
we can do the same.

AFAIK the C++ ABI is not yet standardized on Windows, so oct files need
to use the same compiler.

- Paul

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