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Package manager under Win32/MSVC

From: Michael Goffioul
Subject: Package manager under Win32/MSVC
Date: Fri, 18 May 2007 23:13:27 +0200


I finally could get the package manager to work OK under Win32/MSVC
configuration. The main problems were to deal with an available shell and
make pkg.m to use it, and to deal with paths with backslashes. The
current patches are attached. Maybe they are not the best solution, but
they work OK.

Some notes about the patches:
- "cp.exe" from MSYS doesn't deal with backslashes correctly; if I try to
"cp C:\Temp\file1 C:\Software\", it ends up with trying to create the
file "C:\Temp/C:\Temp\file1", which fails; a simple workaround is to force
conversion from backward slash to forward slash if using Win32 and cp.exe
- pkg.m cannot deal correctly with spaces in filenames; the patch partially
solves it
- "issuperuser" does not work under Win32, as this function simply checks
the username against "root" (too UNIX-specific); as my intention was to install
packages system-wide (to build a Win32 installer), I just short-circuited the
- regexp cannot deal correctly with backslahes in path if they are not
doubled; as it's only a matter of checking th existence of a string within
another, I replaced all \ with /

Finally, the package manager also relies on some hacks in the glob
library (will be included in the Win32 package) to make it work correctly
with backslashes. It also requires the MSYS and MinGW bin directories
available in PATH (which relaxes the changes required on octave-side).


Attachment: pkg.diff
Description: Text document

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