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The way build to .oct file on the MSVC compiled octave 2.9.9+

From: Tatsuro MATSUOKA
Subject: The way build to .oct file on the MSVC compiled octave 2.9.9+
Date: Mon, 28 May 2007 18:28:49 +0900

Dear sirs,

I have installed the MSVC compiled octave 2.9.9+.   This Octave runs very 
than those complied in the cygwin environment.   I really appreciate Mr. 
Goffioul who has built this octave and also thank to Mr. David Bateman who has 
distributed it in his website.  

  In the readme file, if the MSVC is installed, you can make .oct file.  I have 
tried it but I could not get success.   I made e-mail communications with Mr. 
Michael Goffioul and succeeded in building the oregonator.oct and experienced 
high performance.
I would like to say here how to make .oct file.

First I note that the mkoctfile is not working perfectly at present but it 
the useful information to compilng and linking.  Perhaps, the mkoctfile will 
 well in the next binary distribution.

1. Install the MSVC Express edition and the Microsoft Platform SDK.

2. Install the MSVC compiled octave 2.9.9+ to the folder the fullpath of  which 
does not have white space.  Do not install "C:\program files\Octave2.9.9" 
it includes a white space. In stall the folder to the folder like "C:\programs\

3. Execute cmd.exe and open the command console.

4. Execute "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 
 Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcvarsall.bat" in the command console to 
environmental variables for the MSVC8.

5. Execute "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK\SetEnv.Cmd" in the command 
console to set environmental variables for the Microsoft Platform SDK.

6. Execute "C:\Programs\Octave2.9.9\tools\console\Console.exe" to startup the 

7. From the octave prompt, execute system('cmd'), move to the win32 command 

8. Execute mkoctfile command with -v option like, mkoctfile -v hello.cc.

9.Perhaps you will see the following:

D:\usr\Tatsu\program\Octave\test>mkoctfile -v hello.cc
cc-msvc -d -c -I.   -IC:\Programs\Octave2.9.9\include\octave-2.9.9+ 
Octave2.9.9\include\octave-2.9.9+\octave -IC:\Programs\Octave2.9.9\include  -O2 
EHs -MD    hello.cc -o hello.o
cl -nologo -c -I. -IC:\Programs\Octave2.9.9\include\octave-2.9.9+ -IC:\Programs\
Octave2.9.9\include\octave-2.9.9+\octave -IC:\Programs\Octave2.9.9\include -O2 -
EHs -MD -Tphello.cc -Fohello.o hello.cc
cc-msvc -shared -g  -o hello.oct  hello.o  
9.9+ -loctinterp -loctave  -lcruft  -llapack -lblas -lfftw3 -lreadline -lhdf5 -
lzlib  -lws2_32 -lkernel32 -lf2c -lkernel32
LINK : fatal error LNK1104: cannot open file 'lapack.lib'

10. Compile may be successful but the Link will be failed because of lack of 
liblary files.

11. Link using the command:
 cc-msvc -shared -g  -o hello.oct  hello.o  
9.9+ -loctinterp -loctave  -lcruft 

then you will get the hello.oct

Sincerely yours,
Dr. Tatsuro MATSUOKA
Associate Professor

Department of Molecular Design and Engineering
Graduate School of Engineering
Nagoya University
Furo-cho, Chikusa-ku, Nagoya, 464-8603, Japan
E-mail address@hidden
Tel.   +81(Japan)-52-789-3274
FAX    +81(Japan)-52-789-3273

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