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Re: Java/JHandles available for Linux

From: Michael Goffioul
Subject: Re: Java/JHandles available for Linux
Date: Wed, 6 Jun 2007 21:32:18 +0200

On 6/6/07, Michael Jones <address@hidden> wrote:

I have problems with the extra/java package which is required for
extra/jhandles. I am installing under linux with java SDK 1.4.2 (Sun J2SE).

1. problem:
In the configure script the java version is tested by calling "javac
-version". However javac doesn't understand "-version", instead "java
-version" gives the answer, but not in the format understood by the
configure script. So I hardcoded the version 1.4.2 into the script.

Although the configure script does not require it, it's better to have
at least java-1.5 as jhandles requires it. That's also why the "-version"
flag does not work. I only tested under 1.5 and 1.6.

2. problem:
As posted by somebody else
I get the same compiler error
__java__.cc:463: error: invalid conversion from '__jarray*' to
and don't know how to proceed. Maybe a gcc problem (my version is 3.3.4)?

Again, this might be due to the version of the jdk you're using and the
corresponding JNI headers. Could you check in jni.h the return type
of NewObjectArray (BTW, could you also report the line 463, because in
the version I have, there's no code and I couldn't figure out which version
you're using).


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