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nichols.m error

From: Donald Parsons
Subject: nichols.m error
Date: Tue, 21 Aug 2007 14:02:07 -0400

Found this while doing a tutorial:

GNU Octave, version 2.9.13+  (cvs)

octave:1> L = tf(3e4 * [0.0025 0.1 1], [0.01 1.03 3.03 3.01 1]);
octave:2> nichols(L);
parse error near line 134 of file /usr/local/share/octave/2.9.13

  syntax error

>>>                   sysgetsignals (sys, "out", 1, 1));

error: `nichols' undefined near line 2 column 1

Appears to be missing ")", so patch would be:

--- nichols.m-orig      2007-08-20 01:41:16.000000000 -0400
+++ nichols.m   2007-08-21 13:33:29.000000000 -0400
@@ -131,7 +131,7 @@
     if (is_siso (sys))
       title (sprintf ("Nichols plot of |[Y/U]%s|, u=%s, y=%s", tistr,
                      sysgetsignals (sys, "in", 1, 1),
-                     sysgetsignals (sys, "out", 1, 1));
+                     sysgetsignals (sys, "out", 1, 1)));
       title ([ "||Y(", tistr, ")/U(", tistr, ")||"]);
       printf ("MIMO plot from\n%s\nto\n%s\n", __outlist__ (inname, "

Now we get further, but do not know how to fix more errors:

octave:1> L = tf(3e4 * [0.0025 0.1 1], [0.01 1.03 3.03 3.01 1]);
octave:2> nichols(L)
error: `md' undefined near line 141 column 33
error: evaluating argument list element number 1
error: evaluating argument list element number 1
error: evaluating if command near line 110, column 3
error: called from `nichols' in file `/usr/local/share/octave/2.9.13\


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