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Re: goals for 3.1

From: Daniel J Sebald
Subject: Re: goals for 3.1
Date: Thu, 15 Nov 2007 03:48:01 -0600
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Shai Ayal wrote:

an oct-file is a compiled c++ function file for octave, and is used
to define octave functions as an alternative to using an m-file with
the m(?) language. Practically what this means is that the current
drawnow function just has to be renamed to something more
gnuplot_specific, (e.g. __gnuplot_drawnow)  and can be used along
with other drawnow functions ( e.g. __newbackend_drawnow). I propose
that each figure will have a property named "backend" which can have
one of several values -- "gnuplot","newbackend", "jhandles", ....).
Using this value, the appropriate backend will be called, vie the
appropriate drawnow function to render the figure. This way you can
have co-existence of many backends, and specifically, we will not have to abandon gnuplot. Each of these back-ends can have specific
functions, but these functions should not be in core-octave, and
should be used with care since they would break inter-oparability.

I see.  In theory then, John's code for building the __plot_stream__ fid's and 
opening the pipes could be moved to some cc file called __gnuplot_drawnow__.cc. 
 Rather than __plot_stream__ being part of the figure properties, it could be a 
linked list of (term, __plot_stream__).  Then how about a similar Oct file 
routine __gnuplot_f2s__(term) that returns the associated plot stream?  Those 
two would both need to be .oct files for __gnuplot_f2s__ to access the C++ 
variables inside __gnuplot_drawnow__.oct.

So, bundled in the package would be:

__gnuplot_close_all__.m    (currently called __go_close_all__.m)
__gnuplot_draw_axes__.m    (currently called __go_draw_axes__.m)
__gnuplot_draw_figure__.m  (currently called __go_draw_figure__.m)

The m-scripts would require minor tweaks.  Pass in the term number and first 
line be

__plot_stream__ = __gnuplot_f2s__(term);
if (__plot_stream__ < -1)

I replaced the "go" in the files with "gnuplot" because I think, from the 
previous discussion, that there won't ever be a need for __go_draw_figure__ other than for gnuplot.

Now, to switch the graphics engine, would all that is required be to simply 
create an operating system link:

drawnow.oct -> __gnuplot_drawnow__.oct


Would that move in the desired direction John?


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