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Re: Font problem with png terminal 2.9.17+

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: Font problem with png terminal 2.9.17+
Date: Tue, 04 Dec 2007 12:01:51 -0500

On  4-Dec-2007, Fredrik Lingvall wrote:

| Well, it does when when I use gnuplot directly (see my first post) but
| not when called from octave.
| Then I get the "gdImageStringFT: Could not find/open " messages.

OK, I think there is a misunderstanding about what is causing the
message.  I don't think it is any

  set term png font helvetica

command.  Octave doesn't send that.  It sends

  set terminal png enhanced;

The problem is the

  set xlabel "x" textcolor rgb "#000000" font "helvetica,10" rotate by 0.000000;

command that Octave sends.

So it seems to me that it is still a bug in gnuplot that it can
(apparently) figure out that helvetica is missing and fall back on a
default font when the font is specified in the "set term" command but
not when it is specified as part of a "set xlabel" command.


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