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Re: Graphics properties as objects

From: Michael Goffioul
Subject: Re: Graphics properties as objects
Date: Wed, 9 Jan 2008 16:39:15 +0100

I'm making progress, but I just faced a conceptual problem that might
prevent me from putting all properties in a map and use only generic
implementation for get/set. If I do that, I would by-pass the specific
set_xxx/get_xxx methods (if I call "get" or "set" from the interpreted
world), however some of them are doing specific actions. For instance,
axes::properties::get_title create the title object; if I by-pass that method,
then get(gca, "title") will return me nothing. So in the end, I might have
to keep the overloaded <object>::properties::get|set implementation
(although some simplification is possible). In that case, putting all props
into the map makes less sense and it might just be used to store
dynamic properties.

This has no impact on the class hierarchy I defined up to now.

Comments? Any better idea?


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