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Re: Graphics properties implementation

From: Kai Habel
Subject: Re: Graphics properties implementation
Date: Sun, 13 Jan 2008 12:42:54 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070801)

Kai Habel schrieb:
> Shai Ayal schrieb:
>> OK, it seems like it's time to start adding properties.
>> Michael, Just so we don't duplicate our work, Do you plan on adding
>> other properties soon or will you focus on the backend?
>> If you are planning to add, lets divide the work -- tell me what you
>> want to add, and I'll do the rest
>> Shai
>> On Jan 12, 2008 2:06 PM, Michael Goffioul <address@hidden> wrote:
>>> On 1/12/08, John W. Eaton <address@hidden> wrote:
>>>> OK, I applied the patch and checked it in.
>>> Please also consider the attached patch. It add missing values to
>>> xaxislocation and yaxislocation properties and export some symbols
>>> (this allows development of external backends and allow me to test
>>> my rendering code outside of octave).
>>> Michael.
> Hello all,
> to divide the work, I could start adding properties for the patch object
> over the weekend. After that I plan to add the light object.
> Kai
Hello all,

here is a patch to add missing patch properties.
But have a question:

I am not sure when to use the 'a' qualifier for radio properties.
Michael has used both versions for the patch object e.g.:

radio_property linestyle , "{-}|--|:|-.|none"
radio_property interpreter a , "{tex}|none|latex"

For the new radio properties ones I have always used the 'a' qualifier,
but is this ok?

--- graphics.h.in       2008-01-13 11:51:35.000000000 +0100
+++ graphics.h.in.new   2008-01-13 11:51:21.000000000 +0100
@@ -2293,15 +2293,30 @@
     // properties declarations.
-      data_property xdata l , Matrix ()
+            data_property xdata l , Matrix ()
       data_property ydata l , Matrix ()
       data_property zdata l , Matrix ()
       data_property cdata l , Matrix ()
+                       radio_property cdatamapping a , "{scaled}|direct"
       array_property faces , Matrix ()
+                       data_property facevertexalphadata , Matrix ()
+                       data_property facevertexcdata , Matrix ()
       array_property vertices , Matrix ()
+                       array_property vertexnormals , Matrix ()
+                       radio_property normalmode a , "{auto}|manual"
       color_property facecolor a , "{flat}|none|interp"
       double_property facealpha , 1.0
+                       radio_property facelighting a , 
       color_property edgecolor a , color_property (color_values (0, 0, 0), 
radio_values ("flat|none|interp"))
+                       double_property edgealpha , 1.0
+                       radio_property edgelighting a , 
+                       radio_property backfacelighting a , 
+                       double_property ambientstrength , 0.3
+                       double_property diffusestrength , 0.6
+                       double_property specularstrength , 0.6
+                       double_property specularexponent , 10.0
+                       double_property specularcolorreflectance , 1.0
+                       radio_property erasemode a , 
       radio_property linestyle , "{-}|--|:|-.|none"
       double_property linewidth , 0.5
       radio_property marker , "{none}|s|o|x|+|.|*|<|>|v|^|d|p|h"

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