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Re: Q: Low hanging fruit?

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: Q: Low hanging fruit?
Date: Tue, 11 Mar 2008 15:10:51 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080306)

Jaroslav Hajek wrote:
> I've already started working on dlmread/dlmwrite. The thing is that
> octave-forge's
> dlmread is not quite like Matlab's - it cannot handle the range
> specification in spreadsheet format (like "A1..B10") 
I've added this behavior. See the attached version.

> and it cannot
> read the complex numbers in Matlab format
> <number>+<number>i. The Matlab version also appears to guess the separator 
> from
> the first nonblank line, while the octave-forge version just defaults
> to tab or space.
The fact that the separation character is inferred is apparently a
recent addition. I;m not sure of a reliable means to guess this, so I'd
prefer not to do it. Also Matlab's complex parsing is broken in any case
and so difficult to duplicate. For example. Consider the file

1, 2, 3
4+4i, 5, 6
7, 8, 9

matlab then returns

>> dlmread(file)
ans =

   1.0000             2.0000             3.0000         
   4.0000                  0 + 4.0000i   5.0000         
   6.0000                  0                  0         

>> dlmread(file,',')

ans =

   1.0000             2.0000             3.0000         
   4.0000                  0 + 4.0000i   5.0000         
   6.0000                  0                  0         

So it seems that matlab expects ALL fields to be in complex format. Note
that octave-forges version reads the above correctly. Try

1i+0i, 2+0i, 3+0i
4+4i, 5+0i, 6+0i
7+0i, 8+0i, 9+0i

instead. Octave-forge's version of dlmread processes this correctly.
However matlab returns

>> dlmread(file)

ans =

        0 + 1.0000i        0             2.0000         
   3.0000                  0                  0         
   4.0000 + 4.0000i   5.0000             6.0000    

Now try adding spaces to the complex numbers

1i + 0i, 2 + 0i, 3 + 0i
4 + 4i, 5 + 0i, 6 + 0i
7 + 0i, 8 + 0i, 9 + 0i

Matlab, fails to read this with

>> dlmread('crud.dat')
??? Error using ==> textscan
Mismatch between file and format string.
Trouble reading number from file (row 1, field 2) ==>  0i,

Unfortunately, my current version of dlmread current fails to read this
correctly as well. How do you want to modify way dlmread works to handle
complex numbers?

> Moreover, I'd like dlmread to start with Matrix and allocate a
> ComplexMatrix only if it
> actually encounters a complex number (real numbers are much more
> common IMHO, that's why I suppose this optimization is worth it).
Ok, added that as well, together with some test code for the function.


David Bateman                                address@hidden
Motorola Labs - Paris                        +33 1 69 35 48 04 (Ph) 
Parc Les Algorithmes, Commune de St Aubin    +33 6 72 01 06 33 (Mob) 
91193 Gif-Sur-Yvette FRANCE                  +33 1 69 35 77 01 (Fax) 

The information contained in this communication has been classified as: 

[x] General Business Information 
[ ] Motorola Internal Use Only 
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/* Copyright (C) 2008 Jonathan Stickel
** Adapted from previous version of dlmread.oct as authored by Kai Habel,
** but core code has been completely re-written.
** This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
** it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
** the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
** (at your option) any later version.
** This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
** but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
** GNU General Public License for more details.
** You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
** along with this program; If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. 

#include "config.h"
#include <fstream>
#include <config.h>
#include <octave/oct.h>
#include <octave/lo-ieee.h>

DEFUN_DLD (dlmread, args, ,
        "-*- texinfo -*-\n\
@deftypefn {Loadable Function} address@hidden =} dlmread (@var{file})\n\
@deftypefnx {Loadable Function} address@hidden =} dlmread 
@deftypefnx {Loadable Function} address@hidden =} dlmread 
@deftypefnx {Loadable Function} address@hidden =} dlmread 
Read the matrix @var{data} from a text file. If not defined the separator\n\
between fields is assumed to be a whitespace character. Otherwise the\n\
separation character is defined by @var{sep}.\n\
Given two scalar arguments @var{r0} and @var{c0}, these define the starting\n\
row and column of the data to be read. These values are indexed from zero,\n\
such that the first row corresponds to an index of zero.\n\
The @var{range} parameter must be a 4 element vector containing  the upper\n\
left and lower right corner @address@hidden,@var{C0},@var{R1},@var{C1}]} or\n\
a spreadsheet style range such as 'A2..Q15'. The lowest index value is zero.\n\
@end deftypefn")
  octave_value_list retval;
  int nargin = args.length();
  bool sepflag = 0;
  if (nargin < 1 || nargin > 4) 
      print_usage ();
      return retval;

  if ( !args (0).is_string() ) 
      error ("dlmread: 1st argument must be a string");
      return retval;
  std::string fname (args(0).string_value());
  std::ifstream file (fname.c_str());
  if (!file)
      error("dlmread: could not open file");
      return retval;
  // set default separator
  std::string sep;
  if (nargin > 1)
      if (args(1).is_sq_string ())
        sep = do_string_escapes (args(1).string_value());
        sep = args(1).string_value();

  //to be compatible with matlab, blank separator should correspond
  //to whitespace as delimter;
  if (!sep.length())
      sep = " \t";
      sepflag = 1;
  int i = 0, j = 0, r = 1, c = 1, rmax = 0, cmax = 0;
  std::string line;
  std::string str;
  Matrix rdata;
  ComplexMatrix cdata;
  bool iscmplx = false;
  size_t pos1, pos2;

  // take a subset if a range was given
  unsigned long r0 = 0, c0 = 0, r1 = ULONG_MAX-1, c1 = ULONG_MAX-1;
  if (nargin > 2)
      if (nargin == 3)
          if (args(2).is_string ())
              std::string str = args(2).string_value ();
              size_t n = 
              size_t m = 0;
              if (n == NPOS)
                error ("dlmread: error parsing range");
                  c0 = 0;
                  while (m < n)
                      c0 = c0 * 26;
                      char ch = str.at (m++);
                      if (ch >= 'a')
                        ch -= 'a';
                        ch -= 'A';
                      c0 += ch;

                  str = str.substr (n);
                  std::istringstream tmp_stream (str);
                  r0 = static_cast <unsigned long> 
                    (octave_read_double (tmp_stream)) - 1;

                  str = str.substr (str.find_first_not_of("0123456789."));
                  n = 
                  m = 0;
                  if (n == NPOS)
                    error ("dlmread: error parsing range");
                      c1 = 0;
                      while (m < n)
                          c1 = c1 * 26;
                          char ch = str.at (m++);
                          if (ch >= 'a')
                            ch -= 'a';
                            ch -= 'A';
                          c1 += ch;

                      str = str.substr (n);
                      std::istringstream tmp_stream2 (str);
                      r1 = static_cast <unsigned long> 
                        (octave_read_double (tmp_stream2)) - 1;
              ColumnVector range(args(2).vector_value());
              if (range.length() == 4)
                  // double --> unsigned int     
                  r0 = static_cast<unsigned long> (range(0));
                  c0 = static_cast<unsigned long> (range(1));
                  r1 = static_cast<unsigned long> (range(2));
                  c1 = static_cast<unsigned long> (range(3));
                  error("dlmread: range must include [R0 C0 R1 C1]");
      else if (nargin == 4) 
          r0 = args(2).ulong_value();
          c0 = args(3).ulong_value();
          // if r1 and c1 are not given, use what was found to be the maximum
          r1 = r - 1;
          c1 = c - 1;

  if (!error_state)
      // Skip tge r0 leading lines as these might be a header
      for (unsigned long m = 0; m < r0; m++)
        getline (file, line);

      // read in the data one field at a time, growing the data matrix as needed
      while (getline (file, line))
          // skip blank lines for compatibility
          if (line.find_first_not_of (" \t") == NPOS)

          r = (r > i + 1 ? r : i + 1);
          j = 0;
          pos1 = 0;
          do {
            pos2 = line.find_first_of (sep, pos1);
            str = line.substr (pos1, pos2 - pos1);

            if (sepflag && pos2 != NPOS)
              // treat consecutive separators as one
              pos2 = line.find_first_not_of (sep, pos2) - 1;

            c = (c > j + 1 ? c : j + 1);
            if (r > rmax || c > cmax)
                // use resize_and_fill for the case of not-equal length rows
                if (iscmplx)
                  cdata.resize_and_fill (r, c, 0);
                  rdata.resize_and_fill (r, c, 0);
                rmax = r;
                cmax = c;

            std::istringstream tmp_stream (str);
            double x = octave_read_double (tmp_stream);
            if (tmp_stream)
                if (tmp_stream.eof())
                  if (iscmplx)
                    cdata (i, j++) = x;
                    rdata (i, j++) = x;
                    double y = octave_read_double (tmp_stream);

                    if (!iscmplx && y != 0.)
                        iscmplx = true;
                        cdata = ComplexMatrix (rdata);
                    if (iscmplx)
                      cdata (i, j++) = Complex (x, y);
                      rdata (i, j++) = x;
            else if (iscmplx)
              cdata (i, j++) = 0.;
              rdata (i, j++) = 0.;

            if (pos2 != NPOS)
              pos1 = pos2 + 1;
              pos1 = NPOS;

          } while ( pos1 != NPOS );
      if (nargin > 2)
          if (nargin == 3)
              if (r1 >= r)
                r1 = r - 1;
              if (c1 >= c)
                c1 = c - 1;
          else if (nargin == 4) 
              // if r1 and c1 are not given, use what was found to be the 
              r1 = r - 1;
              c1 = c - 1;

          // now take the subset of the matrix
          if (iscmplx)
              cdata = cdata.extract (0, c0, r1, c1);
              cdata.resize (r1 + 1, c1 - c0 + 1);
              rdata = rdata.extract (0, c0, r1, c1);
              rdata.resize (r1 + 1, c1 - c0 + 1);
      if (iscmplx)
        retval(0) = octave_value(cdata);
        retval(0) = octave_value(rdata);

  return retval;


%!shared file
%! file = tmpnam (); 
%! fid = fopen (file, "wt");
%! fwrite (fid, "1, 2, 3\n4, 5, 6\n7, 8, 9");
%! fclose (fid);

%!assert (dlmread (file), [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]);
%!assert (dlmread (file, ","), [1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]);
%!assert (dlmread (file, ",", [1, 0, 2, 1]), [4, 5; 7, 8]);
%!assert (dlmread (file, ",", "B1..C2"), [2, 3; 5, 6]);
%! unlink (file);

%!shared file
%! file = tmpnam (); 
%! fid = fopen (file, "wt");
%! fwrite (fid, "1, 2, 3\n4+4i, 5, 6\n7, 8, 9");
%! fclose (fid);

%!assert (dlmread (file), [1, 2, 3; 4 + 4i, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]);
%!assert (dlmread (file, ","), [1, 2, 3; 4 + 4i, 5, 6; 7, 8, 9]);
%!assert (dlmread (file, ",", [1, 0, 2, 1]), [4 + 4i, 5; 7, 8]);
%!assert (dlmread (file, ",", "A2..B3"), [4 + 4i, 5; 7, 8]);
%! unlink (file);


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