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Re: More efficient MEX or MEX-like interface

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: More efficient MEX or MEX-like interface
Date: Tue, 30 Sep 2008 13:01:37 +0200
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080926)

John W. Eaton wrote:
| though its the choice that FreeMat made and if Octave chooses to go that | way, then optimizing that interface becomes a priority.

One of the primary sources of efficiency problems for the MEX
interface is the difference in the way Octave handles data
internally.  For example, Octave stores complex data in arrays of
pairs of real and imaginary values while Matlab stores them in
separate real and imaginary arrays.  Since the MEX interface allows
direct access to the pointers to the real and imaginary arrays,
passing data in that arrangement forces a copy in Octave but not in
Matlab.  So if we want better effiency with this interface, I think we
have to rewrite much of the internals of Octave to store complex data
Taking a quick look at the code I see a couple of other major sources of inefficiency.

1) prhs in the call to mexFunction causes a copy of the octave_value data in all cases, not just for complex data. For example consider the code from ov-re-mat.cc

mxArray *
octave_matrix::as_mxArray (void) const
 mxArray *retval = new mxArray (mxDOUBLE_CLASS, dims (), mxREAL);

 double *pr = static_cast<double *> (retval->get_data ());

 mwSize nel = numel ();

 const double *p = matrix.data ();

 for (mwIndex i = 0; i < nel; i++)
   pr[i] = p[i];

 return retval;

It would be good is we could also have a use methods like

const mxArray *
octave_matrix::as_mxArray (void) const
 mxArray *retval = new mxArray (mxDOUBLE_CLASS, dims (), mxREAL);
 retval.set_data (matrix.fortran_vec ());
 return retval;

and we'd need an appropriate const version of set_data added to the mex interface. Is this possible or am I missing something?

2) The memory allocated with mxCalloc, etc internally to a mex function must be copied to an octave_value when leaving the function, as mxCalloc allocate with ::calloc, etc (or rather ::malloc and memset). This doesn't play well with the C++ new/delete method of allocating memory which is the reason for the need for the copy. Frankly, I don't see an easy way of addressing this.


David Bateman                                address@hidden
Motorola Labs - Paris +33 1 69 35 48 04 (Ph) Parc Les Algorithmes, Commune de St Aubin +33 6 72 01 06 33 (Mob) 91193 Gif-Sur-Yvette FRANCE +33 1 69 35 77 01 (Fax) The information contained in this communication has been classified as: [x] General Business Information [ ] Motorola Internal Use Only [ ] Motorola Confidential Proprietary

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