## Copyright (C) 2008 Soren Hauberg ## ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it ## under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at ## your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but ## WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU ## General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, see ## . ## -*- texinfo -*- ## @deftypefn {Function File} address@hidden =} get_first_help_sentence (@var{name}, @var{max_len}) ## Return the first sentence of a function help text. ## ## The function reads the first sentence of the help text of the function ## @var{name}. The first sentence is defined as the text after the function ## declaration until either the first period (".") or the first appearance of ## two consecutive end-lines ("\n\n"). The text is truncated to a maximum length ## of @var{max_len}, which defaults to 80. ## ## As an example, the first sentence of this help text is ## ## @example ## get_first_help_sentence ("get_first_help_sentence") ## @print{} ans = Return the first sentence of a function help text. ## @end example ## @end deftypefn function retval = get_first_help_sentence (name, max_len = 80) ## Check input if (nargin == 0) error ("get_first_help_sentence: not enough input arguments"); endif if (!ischar (name)) error ("get_first_help_sentence: first input must be a string"); endif if (!isnumeric (max_len) || max_len <= 0 || max_len != round (max_len)) error ("get_first_help_sentence: second input must be positive integer"); endif ## First, we get the raw help text [help_text, format] = get_help_text (name); ## Then, we take action depending on the format switch (lower (format)) case "plain text" retval = first_sentence_plain_text (help_text, max_len); case "texinfo" retval = first_sentence_texinfo (help_text, max_len); case "not found" error ("get_first_help_sentence: `%s' not found\n", name); otherwise error ("get_first_help_sentence: internal error: unsupported help text format: '%s'\n", format); endswitch endfunction ## This function extracts the first sentence from a plain text help text function retval = first_sentence_plain_text (help_text, max_len) ## Extract first line by searching for a period or a double line-end. period_idx = find (help_text == ".", 1); line_end_idx = strfind (help_text, "\n\n"); retval = help_text (1:min ([period_idx, line_end_idx , max_len, length(help_text)])); endfunction ## This function extracts the first sentence from a Texinfo help text. ## The function works by removing @def* from the texinfo text. After this, we ## render the text to plain text using makeinfo, and then extract the first line. function retval = first_sentence_texinfo (help_text, max_len) ## Find, and remove, lines that start with @def. This should remove things ## such as @deftypefn, @deftypefnx, @defvar, etc. keep = true (size (help_text)); def_idx = strfind (help_text, "@def"); if (!isempty (def_idx)) endl_idx = find (help_text == "\n"); for k = 1:length (def_idx) endl = endl_idx (find (endl_idx > def_idx (k), 1)); if (isempty (endl)) keep (def_idx (k):end) = false; else keep (def_idx (k):endl) = false; endif endfor ## Remove the @end ... that corresponds to the @def we removed above def1 = def_idx (1); space_idx = find (help_text == " "); space_idx = space_idx (find (space_idx > def1, 1)); bracket_idx = find (help_text == "{" | help_text == "}"); bracket_idx = bracket_idx (find (bracket_idx > def1, 1)); if (isempty (space_idx) && isempty (bracket_idx)) error ("get_first_help_sentence: couldn't parse texinfo"); endif sep_idx = min (space_idx, bracket_idx); def_type = help_text (def1+1:sep_idx-1); end_idx = strfind (help_text, sprintf ("@end %s", def_type)); if (isempty (end_idx)) error ("get_first_help_sentence: couldn't parse texinfo"); endif endl = endl_idx (find (endl_idx > end_idx, 1)); if (isempty (endl)) keep (end_idx:end) = false; else keep (end_idx:endl) = false; endif help_text = help_text (keep); endif ## Run makeinfo to generate plain text [help_text, status] = makeinfo (help_text, "plaintext"); if (status != 0) error ("get_first_help_sentence: couldn't run makeinfo"); endif ## Extract first line with plain text method. retval = first_sentence_plain_text (help_text, max_len); endfunction