## -*- texinfo -*- ## @deffn {Command} lookfor @var{str} ## @deffnx {Command} lookfor -all @var{str} ## @deffnx {Function} address@hidden, @var{helpstring}] = } lookfor (@var{str}) ## @deffnx {Function} address@hidden, @var{helpstring}] = } lookfor ('-all', @var{str}) ## Search for the string @var{str} in all of the functions found in the ## function search path. By default @code{lookfor} searches for @var{str} ## in the first sentence of the help string of each function found. The entire ## help string of each function found in the path can be searched if ## the '-all' argument is supplied. All searches are case insensitive. ## ## Called with no output arguments, @code{lookfor} prints the list of matching ## functions to the terminal. Otherwise the output arguments @var{fun} and ## @var{helpstring} define the matching functions and the first sentence of ## each of their help strings. ## ## Note that the ability of @code{lookfor} to correctly identify the first ## sentence of the help of the functions is dependent on the format of the ## functions help. All of the functions in Octave itself will correctly ## find the first sentence, but the same can not be guaranteed for other ## functions. Therefore the use of the '-all' argument might be necessary ## to find related functions that are not part of Octave. ## @seealso{help, which} ## @end deffn function [out_fun, out_help_text] = mylookfor (str, extra) if (strcmpi (str, "-all")) ## The difference between using '-all' and not, is which part of the caches ## we search. The cache is organised such that its first column contains ## the function name, its second column contains the full help text, and its ## third column contains the first sentence of the help text. str = extra; search_type = 2; # when using caches, search its second column else search_type = 3; # when using caches, search its third column endif str = lower (str); fun = help_text = {}; p = path (); idx = find (p == pathsep ()); prev_idx = 1; for n = 1:length (idx) f = p (prev_idx:idx (n)-1); cache_file = fullfile (f, "help_cache.mat"); if (exist (cache_file, "file")) ## We have a cache. Read it and search it! load (cache_file); if (! isempty(cache)) tmp = strfind (cache (search_type, :), str); cache_idx = find (!cellfun ("isempty", tmp)); fun (end+1:end+length (cache_idx)) = cache (1, cache_idx); help_text (end+1:end+length (cache_idx)) = cache (3, cache_idx); endif else ## We don't have a cache. Search files funs_in_f = list_functions (f); for m = 1:length (funs_in_f) fn = funs_in_f {m}.name; ## Extract first sentence try first_sentence = get_first_help_sentence (fn); status = 0; catch status = 1; end_try_catch if (search_type == 2) # search entire help text [text, format] = get_help_text (fn); ## Take action depending on help text format switch (lower (format)) case "plain text" status = 0; case "texinfo" [text, status] = makeinfo (text, "plaintext"); otherwise status = 1; endswitch else # only search the first sentence of the help text text = first_sentence; endif ## Search the help text, if we can if (status == 0 && !isempty (strfind (text, str))) fun (end+1) = fn; help_text (end+1) = first_sentence; endif endfor endif prev_idx = idx (n) + 1; endfor if (nargout == 0) ## Print the results (XXX: improve this to make it look better. indent = 25; term_width = terminal_size() (2); desc_width = term_width - indent; indent_space = repmat (" ", 1, indent); for k = 1:length (fun) f = fun {k}; f (end+1:indent) = " "; printf (f); desc = strtrim (strrep (help_text {k}, "\n", " ")); ldesc = length (desc); printf ("%s\n", desc (1:min (desc_width, ldesc))); for start = desc_width+1:desc_width:ldesc stop = min (start + desc_width, ldesc); printf ("%s%s\n", indent_space, strtrim (desc (start:stop))); endfor endfor else ## Return the results instead of displaying them out_fun = fun; out_help_text = help_text; endif endfunction