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Re: filesep extension

From: John W. Eaton
Subject: Re: filesep extension
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 2008 14:48:29 -0500

On 11-Nov-2008, Jaroslav Hajek wrote:

| It seems I tried an ugly trick that wouldn't work. So here's a
| hopefully working version:
|  function varargout = strchr (str, chars, varargin)
|  if (nargin < 2 || ! ischar (str) || ! ischar (chars))
|    print_usage ();
|  endif
|  f = false (1, 256);
|  f(chars+1) = true;
|  varargout = cell (1, nargout);
|  varagout{1} = [];
|  [varargout{:}] = find (reshape (f(str+1), size (str)), varargin{:});
| endfunction

What are you trying to do with

  varargout = cell (1, nargout);
  varagout{1} = [];

?  Why is the second statement needed?


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