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addlistener() question

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: addlistener() question
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2008 18:45:52 -0500

I've been experimenting with addlistener() with the intent of adding listeners for particular aspects of the graphics backend(s).

addlistener (H, PROP, FCN)
PROP must be a string naming a valid property of the graphics object handle, H. FCN can be a function handle, a string or a cell array whose first element is a function handle.

So my question is; Does anyone have a thought of how to listen for a change to "units" and have the call back function modify the value(s) associated with the units? For example, consider the Matlab commands below

>> figure(1)
>> get (gcf, 'position')

ans =  440   314   560   420

>> set (gcf, 'units', 'inches')
>> get (gcf, 'position')

ans =  5.8572       4.1761       7.4716       5.6037

To implement this action in Octave, both the "units" setting prior to and after the "set" command must be known. Might there be a creative way to pass the units setting prior to the "set" command to the callback?

Something sloppy could be done to save the old units value as a property of the figure, but it would be modifiable at the users discretion.


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