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Re: improved QR & Cholesky updating

From: Jaroslav Hajek
Subject: Re: improved QR & Cholesky updating
Date: Wed, 21 Jan 2009 18:16:18 +0100

On Wed, Jan 21, 2009 at 4:21 PM, John W. Eaton <address@hidden> wrote:
> On 21-Jan-2009, Jaroslav Hajek wrote:
> | Sorry, this should have been part of the patch, but somehow I forgot
> | to do the last refresh (also sorry for the message).
> | It's now uploaded. fsolve will simply check for qrupdate at first
> | start, and if not found, it will update the qr factorization by
> | recalculation. For large systems, of course, that's going to be much
> | slower, but will work.
> |
> | I intend to do the same thing anywhere the updating routines will be
> | used (due to their nature, they can be always replaced). That's why I
> | disabled their compiling entirely when qrupdate is not present - so
> | that their presence can be checked with the "exist" function.
> Instead of
>  persistent have_qrupdate = exist ('qrupdate') == 5;
>  [...]
>  ## Update the QR factorization.
>  if (have_qrupdate)
>    [q, r] = qrupdate (q, r, u, v);
>  else
>    [q, r] = qr (q*r + u*v');
>  endif
> in fsolve.m and every other function that might use qrupdate, why not
> check HAVE_QRUPDATE in the QR::update functions and do this operation
> there?  Then the check would only have to occur in one place rather
> than in every part of Octave that uses qrupdate.
> jwe

I'm not really sure. The point is that in this way, you have, in an
m-file, a clear indication that the qrupdate funcs are unavailable.
Sometimes there may be better workarounds. For instance, the fix I
committed to fsolve is really simplistic; in fact, if qrupdate is not
available, it is better to not form the qr factorization explicitly at
all and simply pass the original jacobian to __dogleg__. This is
something I want to do eventually.
A similar case is lsqnonneg. The current code forms and solves a
system in each step; I'd like to allow it to form a qr or cholesky
factorization once and update it; however, if the updating functions
are not available, then the current code is better than what would
result from replacing the factorizations.

I think this rule applies in general - IMHO, if a functionality is not
available, it's better to disable a function than to provide a version
that always fails, because the former condition can be checked
gracefully and allows for possible workarounds.


RNDr. Jaroslav Hajek
computing expert
Aeronautical Research and Test Institute (VZLU)
Prague, Czech Republic
url: www.highegg.matfyz.cz

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