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Re: missing pdf terminal; was --> [changeset] print.m (matlab compatibil

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: missing pdf terminal; was --> [changeset] print.m (matlab compatibility)
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 15:58:55 +0800

On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:41 PM, John W. Eaton wrote:

On 13-Mar-2009, Ben Abbott wrote:

| On Mar 13, 2009, at 2:43 PM, John W. Eaton wrote:
| > On 13-Mar-2009, Ben Abbott wrote:
| >
| > | I don' t think it matters either way. __gnuplot_get_var__ uses the | > | stream stored in the figure's "__plot_stream__" which is opened by
| > | popen2.
| >
| > If there is only one stream (i.e., we are using popen instead of
| > popen2), then the communication can only be one way (from Octave to | > gnuplot). So in that case how would you get the information back from
| > gnuplot without a FIFO file to use as a separate communication
| > channel?
| >
| > jwe
| The reason is that the figure property __plot_stream__ is opened using | popen2, and must exist (I think, so correct me if I'm wrong) when the
| popen plot stream used for printing is opened.
| To verify my understanding, I added the lines below (42-44) to
| gnuplot_drawnow.m
|   30 function gnuplot_drawnow (h, term, file, mono, debug_file)
|   31
|   32   if (nargin < 4)
|   33     mono = false;
|   34   endif
|   35
|   36   if (nargin >= 3 && nargin <= 5)
| 37 ## Produce various output formats, or redirect gnuplot stream
| to a
|   38     ## debug file.
|   39     plot_stream = [];
|   40     fid = [];
|   41     printing = ! output_to_screen (gnuplot_trim_term (term));
|   42     if (printing)
|   43       get (h, "__plot_stream__")
|   44     endif
| Typing the following at the prompt results in
|       close all;
|       drawnow
|       figure (1); print (gcf, "-dpng", "test.png")
| ans =
|     4   5
| In addiition, by adding line 111 to gnuplot_drawnow
| (open_gnuplot_stream), it appears to me that the popen2 stream for the
| display must be open prior to the popen stream used for printing.
|   95 function plot_stream = open_gnuplot_stream (npipes, h)
|   96   cmd = gnuplot_binary ();
|   97   if (npipes > 1)
|   98     [plot_stream(1), plot_stream(2), pid] = popen2 (cmd);
|   99     if (pid < 0)
| 100       error ("drawnow: failed to open connection to gnuplot");
| 101     endif
| 102   else
| 103     plot_stream = popen (cmd, "w");
| 104     if (plot_stream < 0)
| 105       error ("drawnow: failed to open connection to gnuplot");
| 106     endif
| 107   endif
| 108   if (! isempty (h))
| 109     set (h, "__plot_stream__", plot_stream);
| 110   endif
| 111   fprintf ("plot_stream = "); disp (plot_stream)
| 112 endfunction
| octave:49> close all
| octave:50> drawnow
| octave:51> figure (1); print (gcf, "-dpng", "test.png")
| plot_stream =    4   5
| ans =
|     4   5
| plot_stream =  6
| I have no idea why popen is used instead of popen2.

I think the idea was to avoid using popen2 unless it was actually

| In any event, is this not working as it is supposed to? ... meaning is
| it supposed to be possible to open a plot stream for printing and
| avoid opening one for the display?

Yes.  What does

 figure (1, 'visible', 'off');
 plot (...);
 print ....


Ok, that is a problem.

octave:62> close all
octave:63> figure (1); axes (); set (gcf, "visible", "off"); print (gcf, "-dpng", "test.png")
ans = [](0x0)
plot_stream =  4

How to proceed?

Shall the check that the device/terminal availability only be made when numel(__plot_stream__) == 2?

or, should we just use popen2 in all cases, and add the terminal check immediately after opening it?


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