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Re: missing pdf terminal; was --> [changeset] print.m (matlab compatibil

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: missing pdf terminal; was --> [changeset] print.m (matlab compatibility)
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 2009 17:26:13 +0800

On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:58 PM, Ben Abbott wrote:

On Mar 13, 2009, at 3:41 PM, John W. Eaton wrote:

On 13-Mar-2009, Ben Abbott wrote:

| On Mar 13, 2009, at 2:43 PM, John W. Eaton wrote:
| > On 13-Mar-2009, Ben Abbott wrote:
| >
| > | I don' t think it matters either way. __gnuplot_get_var__ uses the | > | stream stored in the figure's "__plot_stream__" which is opened by
| > | popen2.
| >
| > If there is only one stream (i.e., we are using popen instead of
| > popen2), then the communication can only be one way (from Octave to | > gnuplot). So in that case how would you get the information back from
| > gnuplot without a FIFO file to use as a separate communication
| > channel?
| >
| > jwe
| The reason is that the figure property __plot_stream__ is opened using | popen2, and must exist (I think, so correct me if I'm wrong) when the
| popen plot stream used for printing is opened.
| To verify my understanding, I added the lines below (42-44) to
| gnuplot_drawnow.m
|   30 function gnuplot_drawnow (h, term, file, mono, debug_file)
|   31
|   32   if (nargin < 4)
|   33     mono = false;
|   34   endif
|   35
|   36   if (nargin >= 3 && nargin <= 5)
| 37 ## Produce various output formats, or redirect gnuplot stream
| to a
|   38     ## debug file.
|   39     plot_stream = [];
|   40     fid = [];
|   41     printing = ! output_to_screen (gnuplot_trim_term (term));
|   42     if (printing)
|   43       get (h, "__plot_stream__")
|   44     endif
| Typing the following at the prompt results in
|       close all;
|       drawnow
|       figure (1); print (gcf, "-dpng", "test.png")
| ans =
|     4   5
| In addiition, by adding line 111 to gnuplot_drawnow
| (open_gnuplot_stream), it appears to me that the popen2 stream for the
| display must be open prior to the popen stream used for printing.
|   95 function plot_stream = open_gnuplot_stream (npipes, h)
|   96   cmd = gnuplot_binary ();
|   97   if (npipes > 1)
|   98     [plot_stream(1), plot_stream(2), pid] = popen2 (cmd);
|   99     if (pid < 0)
| 100       error ("drawnow: failed to open connection to gnuplot");
| 101     endif
| 102   else
| 103     plot_stream = popen (cmd, "w");
| 104     if (plot_stream < 0)
| 105       error ("drawnow: failed to open connection to gnuplot");
| 106     endif
| 107   endif
| 108   if (! isempty (h))
| 109     set (h, "__plot_stream__", plot_stream);
| 110   endif
| 111   fprintf ("plot_stream = "); disp (plot_stream)
| 112 endfunction
| octave:49> close all
| octave:50> drawnow
| octave:51> figure (1); print (gcf, "-dpng", "test.png")
| plot_stream =    4   5
| ans =
|     4   5
| plot_stream =  6
| I have no idea why popen is used instead of popen2.

I think the idea was to avoid using popen2 unless it was actually

| In any event, is this not working as it is supposed to? ... meaning is
| it supposed to be possible to open a plot stream for printing and
| avoid opening one for the display?

Yes.  What does

figure (1, 'visible', 'off');
plot (...);
print ....


Ok, that is a problem.

octave:62> close all
octave:63> figure (1); axes (); set (gcf, "visible", "off"); print (gcf, "-dpng", "test.png")
ans = [](0x0)
plot_stream =  4

How to proceed?

Shall the check that the device/terminal availability only be made when numel(__plot_stream__) == 2?

or, should we just use popen2 in all cases, and add the terminal check immediately after opening it?



Does this work for you?

If your gnuplot was built without pdf support, the line below should throw an error.

        close all; figure (1); axes (); print (gcf, "-dpdf", "test.pdf")

But this one should work

        close all; figure (1); axes (); print (gcf, "-dpng", "test.png")

and the one below should produce the png without displaying the figure.

close all; figure (1, "visible", "off"); axes (); print (gcf, "- dpng", "test.png")


Attachment: changeset-gp_get_var-and-check_for_term.patch
Description: Binary data

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