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Re: colorbar lefts multiplot

From: Ben Abbott
Subject: Re: colorbar lefts multiplot
Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2009 19:39:37 -0400

On Apr 1, 2009, at 5:44 PM, Petr Mikulik wrote:

        Hello Ben,

I've just discovered yet another bug (seems to be bug in 3.1.55, not in

hold on
hold off

hold on
hold off

Note that it does not hurt saying
        unset multiplot
if 'multiplot' was used somewhere in past and there is such a danger of
having multiplot on after some premature crash.

It may be a few days before I have time to dig into this. Do you have a
suggestion for what should be changed Octave's sources?

As far as I know you are now avoiding "set colorbox; replot" of gnuplot,
then I don't know.

I thought that each command such as "colorbar", "axis xy", "title 'bla'", etc., forces an immediate replot of the whole drawing canvas. Therefore I
wanted to test what is faster and with less redrawings:

colorbar; axis xy; title 'bla'; xlabel 'x'; ylabel 'y'

hold on
colorbar; axis xy; title 'bla'; xlabel 'x'; ylabel 'y'
hold off

set (gcf, 'visible', 'off')
colorbar; axis xy; title 'bla'; xlabel 'x'; ylabel 'y'
set (gcf, 'visible', 'on')

I was surprised I cannot see speed difference easily.
Thus I would like to ask: which sequence is the most efficient? What is the
number of canvas "(re)plots" in each case -- 1 or 6?



Hi Petr,

I came along after the architecture for the gnuplot backend was already in place. So I may get some of this wrong ... My understanding is that gnuplot_drawnow.m is called for each "replot".

You can verify my understanding by placing the following code at the top of gnuplot_drawnow()

        persistent num_replots = 1
        fprintf ("replots = %d\n", num_replots++)

The counter can be reset by "clear gnuplot_drawnow"

For your first example, and when the lines are entered from the command line, there is one replot for each line (2 total). If any of these are run from a script, you'll only get one call to gnuplot_drawnow.

When the "visible" property is "off" gnuplot_drawnow is not called.

Thus (1) and (2) produce 2 plot sequences (from the command line), and (3) only 1.

However, if you enter the following at the command line ...

        axis xy
        title 'bla'
        xlabel 'x'
        ylabel 'y'

You'll get 6.


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