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Re: Question on performance, coding style and competitive software

From: David Bateman
Subject: Re: Question on performance, coding style and competitive software
Date: Wed, 22 Apr 2009 20:49:36 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla-Thunderbird (X11/20090103)

Alois Schlögl wrote:
Hash: SHA1

David Bateman wrote:
Alois Schlögl wrote:
Hash: SHA1

As some of you might know, my other pet project besides Octave, is
BioSig http://biosig.sf.net. BioSig is designed in such a way that it
can be used with both, Matlab and Octave. Mostly for performance reason,
we cannot abandon support for Matlab [1,2]. Octave is a viable
alternative in case the computational performance is not important. In
order to decide on the future strategy of BioSig, I hope to get answers
on the following questions:

1) Core development of Octave:
At the meeting of Octave developer in 2006, the issue was raised
that the Octave is about 4 to 5 times slower than Matlab [1]. (I
repeated the tests just recently, the results are attached below, and
show a difference of factors up to 13, average ~5) This issue is most
relevant for large computational jobs, were it makes a difference
whether a specific task takes 1 day or 5 days. Is anyone working to
address this problem? Is there any hope that the performance penalty
becomes smaller or will go away within a reasonable amount of time ?
Its hard to tell what the source of your speed issues are.. The flippant
response would be that with a JIT in octave then yes we could be as
fast, we just need someone to write it. I suspect something will be done
here in the future. The recent changes of John to have an evaluator
class and his statement of adding a profiler in Octave 3.4 mean that the
machinery needed to add a JIT will be in place.

Good to know that someone is working on this. However, as far as I
understand its currently not possible to estimate when the performance
penalty is expected to be nullified.

However looking at your wackerman its not clear to me that its your
for-loop that is taking all of the time in Octave. If it is have you
considered rewriting

for k = 1:size(m2,1),
 if all(finite(m2(k,:))),
   L = eig(reshape(m2(k,:), [K,K]));
   L = L./sum(L);
   if all(L>0)
     OMEGA(k) = -sum(L.*log(L));

with something like

rows_m2 = size(m2, 1);
m3 = permute (reshape (m2, [rows_m2, K, K]), [2, 3, 1]);
idx = all (finite (m2), 1);
t = cellfun (@(x) eig(x), mat2cell (m3 (:, :, idx), K, K, ones(1,
            'UniformOutput', false);
t = cellfun (@(x) - sum (x .* log (x)),
       cellfun (@(x) x ./ sum(x), 'UniformOutput', false));
t(iscomplex(t)) = NaN;
OMEGA(idx) = t;

The code above is of course untested. But in the latest tip that should
be much faster for Octave as Jaroslav optimized cellfun recently

Using Jaroslav's code and some modifications (diag of 300000 element
vector was just too large)

        rows_m2 = size(m2, 1);
        m3 = permute (reshape (m2, [rows_m2, K, K]), [2, 3, 1]);
        idx = all (isfinite (m2), 2);
        t = cellfun (@eig, mat2cell (m3 (:, :, idx), K, K, ones(1,
sum(idx))),'UniformOutput', false);
        t = [t{:}];
        idx2 = all(t>0);
        t = t(:,idx2) ./ [ones(K,1) * sum(t(:,idx2))];
        t = sum (t .* log (t));
        idx = find(idx);
        OMEGA(idx(idx2)) = t;

the performance increases for Octave from 82.9 to 15.2 s. Thanks.
(The programm slowed down on Matlab from 13.0 to 66.15 s, though).

I'm not sure how this technique can be used for the other functions
(aar, findclassifier). Memory usage is also an issue.

So you see Octave is faster than matlab :-)

2) Coding style:
Octave understands a superset of commands compared to matlab, and it
seems the current policy is to enforce the "octave style" and make the
use of toolboxes incompatible for a use with Matlab. Is not it sensible
to write platform-neutral applications ? Specifically, is not it in our
own interest (wider usage make the code more robust) that matlab users
are not "forced" to buy additional toolboxes but can use open source
toolboxes e.g. from octave-forge?
I'd personally consider that up to the toolboxes author. Using texinfo
in the help string makes the Octave help string "nicer"....  I however
don't think a policy should be made that toolboxes on octave-forge
should be matlab compatible..

I know its up to the toolbox authors. I'm not sure that every author is
aware of this. In case someone wants to modify some functions from
octave-forge/main for the use with matlab, and make it available to
others, what is the proper procedure for this (a) if he is the original
author and the function is already in octave-forge/main (b) if he wants
to modify an existing function from some other author ?

For a) there is no issue, go ahead.. For b) politeness dictates asking the opinion of the original author.. For orphaned functions I'd prefer to have someone maintaining the code regardless if there stated goal is to make it available for matlab, so orphaned functions are a sub-class of a)
The texinfo is the minor problem, because the function is still usable
even if the documentation is not properly displayed.
The main issues are the incompatible syntax like
- - comments: # vs. %
- - end vs. endif-endfor-endwhile-endfunction etc.,
- - single quote  vs. double quote
- - negation operator: ! vs ~
which make it impossible to use most octave toolboxes in Matlab

BTW, what are the arguments in favor of using octave-only coding style ?

clarity, robustness, ease of eventual importation in Octave, executable script with shebang, etc
3) Scope of Octave and Octave-Forge:
Open source software has its own merit, but sometimes also other factors
(e.g. additional costs in hardware, energy supply and cooling systems,
energy efficiency = "green computing") need to be considered. Given the
fact that octave-core is currently slower for some tasks, it is worth
considering to use proprietary mat-engine. The question is whether
Octave and Octave-forge should provide support of toolboxes for matlab
users too, or whether these users should go somewhere else? What do you
think ?
I'm not sure how this point differs from your second point.. Again to me
its up to the toolboxes/packages author to decide whether they want
matlab compatibility or not. If a toolbox is compatible I see no issue
sending matlab users to octave-forge for code..

Yes, the question is closely related to the previous one. Of course, if
the toolbox is compatible to matlab, there is no problem for the matlab
users. Unfortunately, most toolboxes (all in Octave and
octave-forge/main and most of octave-forge/extra) are using the
octave-only coding style.

"Unfortunate" is a question of your point of view..

This seems to suggest that a fork is neccessary in order to make the
toolboxes applicable for matlab users. Is there an alternative ?



David Bateman                                address@hidden
35 rue Gambetta                              +33 1 46 04 02 18 (Home)
92100 Boulogne-Billancourt FRANCE            +33 6 72 01 06 33 (Mob)

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